Messages from Diverse Sources
Thursday, June 15, 2023
Be the Image and Likeness of God
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy of June 7, 2023

My children,
have love among yourselves, have good love in yourselves, be the Image and Likeness of God. I see your sincere "yes,"...
your hearts belong to Me your Creator God: the One whom you have chosen to follow by giving your lives for the sake of your brothers and sisters.
God will provide for your needs; the Blessed Mother will soon accompany you in the Mission, ...She will open the doors to the New Era.
My beloved children,
here I am to you, today as always I will take you by the hand and lead you to my Son Jesus, have love for Him, console Him, embrace Him in your heart, He is waiting with impatient love to be recognized as Creator: one and only true God! Follow the way of the Holy Gospel, do not make it about you, your thoughts are not God's, surrender yourselves completely to His will to be with Him and of Him. This Hill will soon shine with a new light;
God Himself will appear giving His blessing to all His children:
He is present in this Holy Place, miracles will be performed here, healings will take place.
Soon you will see the heavens open to your eyes and you will hear the choir of heavenly Angels praising God Love, honor and glory.
God is!
Oh men,
do not look elsewhere for what is already in you, listen to your heart:put it in the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and wait with patient love for His return in glory. My children:
the time of great sorrows has come;the icy cold will grip many souls far from the True God, the Creator! Come out quickly from the places where Jesus is no longer. Get away from the false church! Gather in prayer in your homes, plead for God's mercy and Divine intervention before darkness envelops the souls of many. This is the time to return to your Creator God, do not delay, My children,
Evil reigns on Earth, do not lose yourselves in darkness, seek the Light, lift up your eyes to Heaven, ask God the Father's help! When you fall into sin, humbly ask for forgiveness: seek God's help, plead for His Grace in you, lest you fall again.
God is Father, Mother, Brother and Friend: keep following Him.
The volcano of the East is ready for its eruption: ...weeping and gnashing of teeth will come upon the world!
Pray My children, pray, fast from the things of the world...convert!!!
Convert yourselves!!!
Source: ➥