Messages from Diverse Sources
Sunday, June 11, 2023
The Power of the Prayer of the Holy Rosary
Message from Our Lord to Valentina Papagna in Sydney, Australia on June 2, 2023

Today during the celebration of the Holy Mass, our Lord Jesus came and said, “Valentina, My child, I want to tell you that the time you are living in is speeding much quicker than ever before, and people are questioning why is it happening like that.”
“I want to explain to you that I, your Lord permit this to happen so you will not suffer so much from this evil that you all experience every day in the world, and this also indicates that My Coming to the world is very near. All this time is now given to humanity to change, and to convert, and to repent.”
“Another good news I want to share with you, My children, is that through your prayers, many things destined to happen won’t happen because I have stopped them and I have removed them.”
Then our Lord smiled and said, “See what prayer can do? It can move the mountains and suspend the wars and many ugly things that evil men were planning to happen.”
“But, My children, it is between you and Me and your prayers that all this happened. But don’t stop praying. Pray the Holy Rosary and encourage others to join you in prayer.”
Our Lord then pointed to His Sacred Heart and said, “In this month of June is the special Devotion to My Sacred Heart. Honour My Sacred Heart that is full of Mercy and Love. Praise Me and thank Me for it.”
To adore and honour the Sacred Heart of Jesus, this is a beautiful prayer to pray to our Lord in the month of June:
All through the Sacred and Eucharistical Heart of Jesus,
All through the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
All in union with Saint Joseph,
Jesus and Mary and St Joseph, I love you, save souls,
Save the Consecrated.
Today during the Cenacle prayers, our Lord Jesus appeared in a beautiful white tunic with His Sacred Heart exposed, with His two fingers pointing to His Sacred Heart to show us that His Heart is always full of love and mercy.
He said, “My children, as you gather here every week and offer your prayers so devoutly to Me, I come to tell you, none of you will ever touch Hell. I will make sure of that, and I will protect you.”
Our Lord Jesus is encouraging us to pray the Holy Rosary, which is so essential for this present time in which we live.
Our Lord gives this grace to all His children in prayer groups throughout the world, who pray devoutly and from their hearts. He will protect them, and He gives this beautiful promise to them.
Thank You, Lord Jesus, for all Your graces, blessings and protection.
Source: ➥