Messages from Diverse Sources
Sunday, June 4, 2023
The Holy Trinity Enters the Hearts and Homes of All Those Who Welcome Him with Love…
Message from Our Lady Queen to the Holy Trinity Love Group in Oliveto Citra, Salerno, Italy on Holy Trinity Day

My children, I am the Immaculate Conception, I am She who gave birth to the Word, I am the Mother of Jesus and your Mother, I have descended with great power together with My Son Jesus and God the Father Almighty, the Holy Trinity is in your midst.
The Holy Trinity enters the hearts and homes of all those who welcome Him with love, the Holy Trinity desires to dwell in all the world who do not want to understand His power, the powerful of this world ignore the power of the Holy Spirit putting study and science first, the wisdom of this world will soon be sent into confusion because God the Father Almighty will make known in all places on earth, that He is the Master of everything and everyone.
Evil induces souls to commit sins, fueling hatred, discord, the Christian faith will be increasingly diminished, this I rive side in the secret of Fatima. Vatican City will soon be desolate, faith in the world is weak, but soon, very soon the signs that the Holy Trinity will bestow will be tangible and everyone will be able to make his choice. The mercy of God the Almighty Father is immense that is why He sends Me so that I may lead you to the salvation of your souls, prayer is your strength. I have chosen many in this world who will not waver, it will be the army of love that will bring forth faith in My Son Jesus.
My children, I love you immensely, you who pray do not fear because the Holy Trinity protects you, the chastisements are for salvation and not for perdition, open your hearts to understand the immense love that God the Father Almighty has for mankind.
My children, today is a very special day, John Paul II wants to speak to you, He is your father, your brother, your friend, because He followed in the footsteps of My Son Jesus and still He will continue to lead the people of God, His love lives in your hearts that is why you never forget Him.
My children, My presence is upon you, many feel a strong warmth, it is I who am wrapping you in My Maternal Mantle, I love you, I love you, I love you.
Now I must leave you, I give you a kiss and bless you all, in the name of Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Shalom! Peace My children.