Messages from Diverse Sources


Monday, May 29, 2023

Holy Spirit, Eternal Love, Come with Your Ardor, Come Inflame Our Hearts

Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy of May 28, 2023


God the Father, today proclaim the new time!

Be ready for the descent of the Holy Spirit, Oh men, put yourselves in priestly order to Perfect Love. God is with you beloved children: He comes to gather you to Himself, bring you into Himself in His Abode.

This Humanity

is devoid of knowledge, speaks without knowing the Holy Scriptures, listens to what the media says, ... in truth they grow in lies!!! In the Old Testament there are many passages where God intervenes to help His People, calling them back to Himself, history repeats itself. God has never forsaken His People, He has continued to speak to them through His prophets but man has preferred to listen to the voice of the Devil!

Poor Children!

Take hold of the Holy Scriptures Oh men: read, instruct yourselves, become aware of what is really written! ... History repeats itself,

man still denies his Creator, ...he will suffer His wrath! God waits with love for man's conversion; The Earth will shake again and with more power, the eruption of volcanoes will be in unison. The tremendous days of the Apocalypse will manifest before your eyes, O men!

Repent ... forsake sin! You have set yourselves against your God, who can save you? Open your hearts to the Holy Spirit! Mortify yourselves O men, come out of your iniquities, ask forgiveness with contrite hearts, renounce Satan! It is now only a little while before you meet your Creator: ... His Justice will be terrible against those who have not had righteous repentance.

My children,

the time of great catastrophes has come!

And it is not God who willed it, but your disobedience to Him, your denial to Him.

You are fighting against your Creator God! You have joined with Satan, you have drunk from his cup, you have engraved on your skin the sign of belonging to him, you have damaged your blood with his poison, now, for you, it will be weeping and gnashing of teeth! Shortly, many Nations will be involved in war, the Earth will become a blazing furnace.

World peace will return only with Me, when I will rend the heavens to say My "BASTA". Here I am My children, the time has come:

I am ready, ... I will gather you into My shelters, I will anoint you with My Holy Oil, I will consecrate you to Me forever! Never again shall the poison of Satan touch you. God saves!

Source: ➥