Messages from Diverse Sources


Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Because of Your Pride You Will Go through the Great Tribulation!

Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy of May 21, 2023


Beat your chests oh all you who are in sin!

Use My mercy, Oh men!

Let repentance be in you; humbly prostrate yourselves to Me and ask My Forgiveness. I am He Who can do all things: in My great Mercy I will work on those who with contrite hearts ask Me for forgiveness.

My children, it is you who must return to Me, I am always ready to forgive you: make yourselves pure, so that your Creator God may embrace you back to Himself and give you of Himself.

This Humanity will repent for not accepting My teachings and calls for conversion! Man's pride will fall when he is faced with death!

Oh, men! ...

without Me you can do nothing; it is I Who created you and only in Me will you be saved. Come out of your iniquities, O men, look around you, you are scourging yourselves with your own hands, you have believed that you are equal to create but you are not God! I created you to be the Image and Likeness of Me, but by your refusal you have failed, you have pretended to take My place and this will never be possible, ... only I AM!!!

My children, oh you who are fighting Me: know that nothing good you can get managed by Satan, you have failed in your choice, still you have erred, your mistakes will backfire on you, The turning away from Me, the disobedience to Me, your Creator God, will lead you to be "naked"!!! You will lose everything My children! For your pride you will go through the great tribulation:

there you shall be forged as gold at the crucible. I will make you "new"; I will make you understand that I alone am GOD and that to Me you belong because I created you for Me. Bend your knees: "now"!

Do not delay: the black moon brings no good!

The upheaval is taking place!

This Planet of yours has suffered your mistreatment:

you have poisoned the earth, the water and the air, now you will only have the record of all this evil. When you find yourself in the situation of having no food, no water,...when the air has become unbreathable, when everything is now poisoned, what will you do?

How will you survive? Have you thought about this?

The synthetic food that man is creating is a deadly food:

your body will not be nourished and will perish. My children, the time has come to open your eyes wide and make discernment! Do not be puppets in the hands of the accursed "puppet master." Do not be knocked down like skittles! Take back your lives, say "BASTA" to this dirty game of the devil. Renounce Satan! Renounce all his seductions! I await you "repentant", once again able to manage your own lives.


Source: ➥