Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, May 8, 2023
Pardon of Our Sins for the Great Errors in the Church and the World
Apparition and Message of Saint Michael the Archangel to Manuela in Sievernich, Germany on April 18, 2023

In the House Jerusalem I see a big bright golden light. I go after this light. There is a golden ball of light hovering above the outdoor statue of St. Michael the Archangel. Saint Michael the Archangel is coming up from this light. He carries a golden sword and shield. St. Michael the Archangel is dressed all in white. St. Michael speaks:
"Quis ut Deus? I come to you in friendship. May the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit bless you. Amen." He looks at a great cloud of incense surrounding him and says, "This incense is a gift to you. Heaven loves incense."
St. Michael looks at us and speaks:
"Jesus, our Lord and Savior, was crowned with thorns because of the many errors."
M.: "Dear Holy Archangel Michael, we want to ask for reparation before the Lord and Savior."
Saint Michael the Archangel instructs M. to bow and speak each time:
"Reparation before the Eternal Father, forgiveness of our sins, reparation before the Eternal Father. St. Michael pray for us before the throne of God! Reparation before the Eternal Father. Pardon of our sins. Pardon of our sins for the great errors in the Church and the world."
M. follows His words.
St. Michael the Archangel speaks:
"The places of grace will suffer. I cannot prevent this from happening. The Eternal Father, in His omnipotence, allows it to happen in order to ultimately purify the earth from all error. From all guilt."
St. Michael stretches His sword up to heaven and M. sees the Vulgate, the Holy Scripture, above His sword. It opens. M. sees the biblical passage Isaiah 18 and 32.
St. Michael says:
"This word I have brought you today." The Holy Scripture shines down to us.
The Holy Archangel admonishes us:
"Remain faithful to God's Word! Remain faithful to the Holy Scriptures! Many things will happen, but God will spare you. Many things must happen for the earth to be cleansed. Pray for reparation before the Eternal Father."
Then St. Michael looks at us and says:
"This is My sanctuary. I have consecrated this earth with the power of God. Germany will fall into error for a short time. God has given it to Me and therefore it will not be lost. Ask for reparation before the Eternal Father, the sooner the error will depart. The time of error will be short. Quis ut deus? Serviam!"
Saint Michael the Archangel wishes the following prayers from us:
O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fire of hell, lead all souls to heaven, especially those most in need of your mercy.
Holy Archangel Michael, defend us in the battle against the wickedness and the devil's reenactments. Be Thou our protection! God command him, we implore. Thou, Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, overthrow Satan and the other evil spirits who are roaming the world to the ruin of souls. Amen.
Saint Michael the Archangel goes back into the light and disappears.
Please look at the Bible passages Isaiah 18 and 32 for the message.
At the Holy Mass held in the parish church for the prayer group, the infant Jesus appeared in the Holy Host in the form of Prague when the priest of the Aachen Diocese lifted the chalice and host at the altar. The infant Jesus was seen by several people.
This message is announced without prejudice to the judgment of the Church.
Isaiah 18
Woe to the land of the swarms of locusts / beyond the rivers of Cush.
It sends out its messengers on the Nile, / in papyrus barges across the water. Go, you swift messengers, / to the tall nation with the shining skin, to the nation that is feared far and wide, / to the nation that powerfully tramples everything, / whose land is cut by the rivers.
You inhabitants of the world, you citizens of the earth, / all watch when the sign is set up on the mountains, all listen / when the ram's horn is blown.
For thus has the Lord spoken to me: / I will look at everything from my place, unmoved like the blazing heat at noon, / like the clouds of vapor in the heat of summer.
Yes, even before the harvest, when the blossom is over / and the fruit ripens into grapes,he cuts off the vines with a knife; / he removes the shoots, he tears them off.
They are all left to the birds of prey of the mountains / and the wild beasts of the land. During the summer, the birds of prey sit on them / and in the winter, the wild animals are there.
In that time, gifts are brought to the Lord of Hosts from the tall people with the shiny skin, from the nation that is feared far and wide, from the people who powerfully trample everything, whose land is cut by rivers. One brings the gifts to the place where the name of the Lord of hosts is present: to Mount Zion.
Isaiah 32
Behold, a king will come who will rule righteously, / and princes who will rule as is right.
Each of them will be like a refuge from the storm, / like a protective roof in a thunderstorm, like moats in a dry place, / like the shadow of a mighty rock in the dry land.
Then the eyes of the seeing are no longer glued, / the ears of the hearing listen again.
The heart of the rash gains knowledge and insight, / the tongue of the stammering speaks again clearly and plainly.
The fool is no longer called noble / and the scoundrel is no longer considered distinguished.
For the fool speaks only nonsense / and he has only mischief in mind, he acts nefariously / and speaks blasphemously of the Lord. He lets the hungry starve, / the thirsty he does not let drink.
The weapons of the villain bring misfortune, / he only plans crimes to bring ruin to the weak by deceptive words, / even when the poor man proves he is in the right.
But the superior man plans only the superior / and stands up for the superior.
The careless women
You careless women, hear my voice, / you self-confident daughters, listen to my word!
For year and day you will tremble, / even though you are so self-confident now; for the grape harvest is destroyed, / there is no more fruit harvest.
Tremble, you carefree ones, / frightened, you self-confident women, undress, disrobe / and put on the mourning garment!
beat your breast / and lament for the glorious fields, / the fertile vines,
for the fields of my people, / where only thorns and thistles grow, for all the houses full of rejoicing, / for the joyful city.
for the palaces are deserted, / the noise of the city has fallen silent. The hill of the castle with the watchtower / is desolate forever; there the wild asses cavort, / there the herds graze.
The effect of the spirit from on high
But when the spirit from on high is poured out upon us, / then the desert becomes a garden / and the garden becomes a forest.
In the desert dwells justice, / justice dwells in the gardens.
The work of justice will be peace, / the yield of justice will be peace and security forever.
My people will dwell in a place of peace, / in secure dwellings, in quiet and tranquil places.
But the forest falls in a vengeful overthrow, / the city sinks into the depths.
Blessed are you! You can sow by all waters / and let your cattle and donkeys run free.