Messages from Diverse Sources


Sunday, May 7, 2023

Jesus the Crucified and Risen

Message of Our Lord to Valeria Copponi in Rome, Italy on May 3, 2023


My daughter, you are in My hands, always remember that negative voices as they are born so they end. You continue to obey your Creator and continue to live in peace and love.

These times of yours are like thunderstorms and this is the stormy part, these last times are difficult for all of you but, those who are under My protection should never fear.

Am I not the Son of God? And you My dearest to My heart, you are protected spiritually, let My children who are furthest from Me and your Father, live as they wish but then they will still have to give an account to God, for all their actions.

My beloved children, continue to live in prayer and obedience to your Father and at the end of your lives, you will be able to live in joy and gladness where there will be no more mourning and pain.

I love you so much, I listen to your prayers, continue to feed on My body and leave fears to those who live far from the Light and Eternal Peace. I love you My children, continue to witness to the Son of God and nothing can harm you.

I love you, I am always with you, in difficult times rely on Me and your heavenly Mother and nothing and no one, will be able to harm you.

I bless you, remain united under My blessing.

Jesus the Crucified and Risen.

Source: ➥