Messages from Diverse Sources


Thursday, May 4, 2023

You Will Dwell in a Holy Place…

Message from Our Lady Queen to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy of April 29, 2023


My Immaculate Heart is at Her Triumph, thanks to My earthly Army, My Devoted Children, those who have supported Jesus' call and remained faithful to His Holy Doctrine.

Beloved children, oh all of you who worship and follow the Lord Jesus Christ today:

behold I come to take you by the hand and with you ask for His anticipated Return,...I desire to bring you to Him, "beautiful" and "spotless in Love." Today, My children, is a special day for Heaven:

here the triumph of My Immaculate Heart is already being celebrated.

My beloved children:

prepare yourselves, be in purity, shortly the Holy Spirit will descend in you. Embrace Jesus in your heart, love Him with all your being and love one another, share everything My children. I am here, present among you, and here I will remain forever:

This place will become an important temple, the temple where Jesus will welcome all His children, ...He will turn them into Himself in love and charity. Come out "big time," My children! Do not let your hearts be seized by the enemy!

Even when you are in the most painful conditions, know that you must embrace your cross as Jesus embraced His for your salvation.

You, by your offering, are saving so many souls, My children , you are saving great part of Humanity.

Heaven is already celebrating with you! The Banquet is ready, Jesus will open the doors to His Children: He will welcome them into Himself and keep them in Himself forever!

Infinite joy and infinite love forever My Children, never more sorrow, never more tears, everything will rise in Christ Jesus!

Beloved Children, you do not imagine the happiness to which you are heading: ... a life full of joy!

Jesus will give each of His Children eternal life in absolute happiness!!!

This was already prepared beforehand: ...

If man had not listened to the voice of the Evil One, today he would already be in this heavenly dimension and would already be living in infinite joy, dancing with Jesus and playing with Jesus, smiling with Jesus, transformed in Him: ...of His own Light, of His own Love, of His own Charity. Oh, My Children, shortly you will need nothing more:

you will lack nothing, God has predetermined everything for His "chosen ones": you will have a holy place, you will dwell in a holy place, that place that Jesus had already seen for each of you. Beloved ones, how beautiful you are! ...How much you touch My Heart!

I weep tears of joy today for all of you who follow Me, who embrace the holy Gospel of Jesus. You have defied the world, you have shown your face in Christ Jesus, you have not been seduced by the enemy. Behold, Jesus' soldiers are "ready"!

Soon SAINT MICHAEL ARCHANGEL will call them to join his Army. Mary Most Holy with all the Saints in Heaven will take possession of the Earth that will be renewed in Christ Jesus. Satan will be annihilated, never again will he be heard of. Amen. My children, I join My hands with yours, together with you I pray this holy Rosary and ask the Father for the early return of My Son Jesus.

The time has come, the hours are beaten; there is no more time My children, there is no more time to experience the things of this world.

Now, the "Children of God" will be admitted to His Shelters.

Soon Christ will return to Earth to inhabit it with all His own: it will be an Earth renewed in the conditions of eternal love and happiness.

New fruits, new everything, stars will shine in the sky:

you will be able to touch them with your hands, you will be able to dance with them, you will be part of the Universe; you will be "holy" and you will be joyful forever. I bless you My children and urge you to go on like this:

do not let salvation be stolen, do not let eternal life in Christ Jesus be stolen. And may the blessing God the Father Almighty descend upon each of you: in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Praised be Jesus Christ. Always be praised.

Praised be the Most Sacred Hearts of Jesus Mary and Joseph. Now and always.

Praised and thanked every moment, be the Blessed and Most Divine Sacrament.

Praised and thanked every moment, be the Blessed and Most Divine Sacrament.

Praised and thanked every moment, be the Blessed and Most Divine Sacrament.

Amen. Alleluia! Alleluia!

Source: ➥