Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, April 11, 2023
Choose the Way of Life, Embrace the Truth
Message from Our Lord to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy of April 8, 2023

Be silent!
Beloved children, Heaven is quivering in anticipation of embracing you to Itself.
Place God first in your lives, O men: His Love will help you grow and understand your life on Earth.
Love My creatures, I am by your side and lead you according to My Divine Rules, do not hinder My Work in you, be humble, listen and practice what I tell you.
Now, a burning fire will be kindled in your hearts: you will know that the hour of your awakening has come.
My Passion has been great! Still I have given Myself for you, O men, who do not believe in Me, ... you who have chosen to set yourselves against Me.
Sin My children, sin! Your hatred of the Truth will take you where you never wanted to go.
Behold, New Heavens and Earth for the Children of God!
Prepare yourselves My children, fast from the things of the world, grow in Truth.
Strive for the Things of God and forsake what nothing will give you good.
Choose the way of Life, embrace Truth and never again turn your eyes toward things that no longer belong to you.
You have been called children of God! Your Father claims you! He wants to place you in His All, in His New World, created especially for His "Elect," for those who will have responded to His Truth.
Easter is resurrection for many men..., while for others it is curse.
My children, try to understand My language, I want to save you all, but many men do not respond, they reject Me for the things of this Earth!
Soon everything will come to an end, nothing will be as before.
Behold My children, do not allow yourselves the choice that leads to death, ... to eternal suffering.
Repent! Your conversion is urgent! You are running out of time.
My Mercy faces the world as does My Justice! Amen.
Source: ➥