Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, March 28, 2023
You Have Been Called As Soldiers in This Mission
Message from Our Lady to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy of March 11, 2023

Most Holy Mary says:
Ever closer to you, My children!
I bless you and mark you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Thank you My Children, of your love for My Son Jesus, thank you for your "yes" to this mission.
Now, turn your hearts to Heaven: call the Holy Father to your aid; ask forgiveness for your sins, shortly He will enfold you in His arms and take you with Himself into a new world.
My beloved children:
Be truly Children of God. Be united with one another and share everything. "This" is the mission Jesus has placed in your hands:
do not waste it, do not lose it My children, carefully wrap it in your hearts. Uphold what Jesus has placed in your hands, struggling with all your strength, making yourselves available to His Word, to His will for each of you. You have been called not to enjoy wonders on this earth,
but to enjoy them later in Heaven. You have been called as soldiers in this mission;
do not go looking elsewhere My children. You have been entrusted with this mission
and you must work for this mission. There are many callings in the world and each one has to handle his own. Jesus will ask each person for his or her work on what He has asked.
Soon you will hear the festive bells ringing, a wonderful Easter: God will wrap your hearts to His Heart, multiply all good for His Children and give them to live in happiness.
Now may your passion be offered totally for this Work of Salvation.
Look no longer at the things of this world, your eyes must erase this life
for you must prospect them to the new. This Earth does not belong to you My children, this Earth is passing through,
it is a place where Jesus has raised you up to bear good fruit, ... good fruit, My children!!! And do not weep over your sins but make up for them,
that you also may rise to God "as God asks you." Do not fall into Satan's deception! Do not be foolish , I say to you! ... to all of you!
No one is excluded! I call you today to urgent repentance, to be love in Love, to be good fruit, to belong to that one Tree that produces good and succulent fruit. Be the wonders of God, allow His eyes to rejoice in looking at you, to weep tears of joy and not tears of blood ! Pray for this to happen,
giving your very life for His Work. Soon His Children will enjoy much prosperity, but today they must give their all to Him: their own lives, their own work: ... the "totus tuus" My children, the "totus tuus" the "totus tuus"!!!
Onward beautiful children, the battle is hard, the climb is strenuous; but...
-in the end- you will find a green plain, with fresh, gushing water: ...there will be opened to you the Gate of the New Garden, filled with delightful fragrances;your life will change; you will be God's chosen ones and you will be eternal in Him,
in His wonders you will enjoy His All. Onward! I embrace you, mark you in My heart with the Sign of the Cross and promote you to "Children of God"! Forward! Earn eternal life.
Praised be Jesus Christ. Always be praised.
Praised be Jesus Christ. Always be praised.
Praised be Jesus Christ. Always be praised.
Praised be the Holy Hearts Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Now and always!
Source: ➥