Messages from Diverse Sources
Thursday, March 16, 2023
Jesus Crucified your Savior
Message of Our Lady to Valeria Copponi in Rome, Italy on March 15, 2023

It is Jesus who speaks to you and blesses you. My children, you know very well that you are living the last times and I do not hide from you that they will be the most difficult and suffered.
I have suffered so much for each of you, for your salvation since I want you to be able to choose what is most good and right for you.
You call this time a time of suffering, a time of Lent, but I assure you that there are few of you left to offer your sufferings for the salvation of all your brothers and sisters.
My beloved children, My Spirit never leaves you otherwise Satan would make you his own. Be very careful in your speech and all the more so in your actions, the devil uses all his cunning to make you his followers.
I will never leave you but you seek prayer and participation in My sacrifice in the Holy Mass. Receive Me in your hearts because only in this way can you drive away the adversary.
In these last times give Me your time, your offerings to your brothers and sisters and your sacrifices large and small.
I am with you, My beloved children, ask for help from your Heavenly Mother pray and fast especially from sins in words - works and omissions, and I will always be in your hearts.
Pray and fast especially in offensive words.
Jesus Crucified your Savior.
Source: ➥