Messages from Diverse Sources


Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Respond to My Urgent Call to Prayer

A Message from Our Blessed Mother Given to Beloved Shelley Anna on the 15th day of March 2023


As Our Blessed Mother takes my hand, I hear Her say.

My Children

Be Watchful of your adversary, the devil, who is trying to dominate your thoughts, with the wicked ways of this world, that he has established in modernism.

My Children, Watch and Pray

Earthly and Heavenly chastisements will continue to befall upon humanity. Heavenly disturbances will display God’s anger. Earthly manifestations such as the world has never seen will continue, as the tribulation of these days intensify.

Wars and rumors of wars continue with great perplexity,as the elements of earth, clash with one another,causing great storms and unstable lands, to be moved out of their places. Hearts that know not the Love of My Son will faint with fear.

My children,

Respond to My urgent call to prayer.

On bended knee, unite your prayers with mine, praying My Rosary of Light, that will illuminate the path of righteousness, that My Son has laid before each and every one.

Pray for the conversion of these souls, that are lost in the darkness.

My Beloved Children

Come under My Mantle, and take refuge in The Sacred Heart of My Son, Jesus Christ.

Remember always My promises, and let your prayers be without ceasing.

Thus saith, Your Loving Mother.

Conformation Scriptures

2 Samuel 22:33

God is my strong fortress. He makes my way perfect.

1 Peter 5:8

Be sober and self-controlled. Be watchful. Your adversary, the devil, walks around like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.

Source: ➥