Messages from Diverse Sources
Sunday, March 5, 2023
God the Father Almighty still calls His People back to Himself
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on March 3, 2023

I warn you My Children: you are in danger!
Darkness already ravages the earth! This Humanity is deaf to My Calls!
Verily I say unto you, O My people:
the storm is afoot, war is now upon you; the whole Earth will be ravaged by the madness of man in Satan. My children, it is with great distress that I still intervene to bring you back to the right path, ... waste no more time, run to Me, My children, make yourselves safe in Me.
I am grieved by the situation on Earth, this world has deprived itself of life, has given itself completely to death.
Beloved Children, the Oceans are preparing to invade the lands; many will be submerged, others will rise, you will be faced with a new reality. The noise of volcanoes is pressing in!
Beloved Children, it is with Father's love that I come to urge your conversion. Do not be indifferent to My appeals, show gratitude because God wants to save His Children. Come, come to Me beloved ones of your Father, come on My arms: I will cradle you and make you rejoice in Me, I am your Father, your Creator and I am Infinite Love. Pay attention to these My appeals, O men, for verily they are the last warnings! Shortly you will find yourselves in the midst of the darkness, and if you have not returned to Me you will find yourselves displaced, with no power to combat the power of evil. God warns His people: let no man be deaf!!!
Mercy, mercy, mercy on you, O men! Oh you who show pride and defy the Most High God! Mercy! As Father, I suffer for your indifference, for your rejection of Me.
My creatures, little flowers of My Heart, have mercy on My pain but above all have mercy on yourselves because winter will come very cold for your souls; you will be lost in darkness and you will be ravaged by death. Repent O men! Repent!!!
I love you! I bless you.
God the Father, the Almighty Yahweh
Source: ➥