Messages from Diverse Sources


Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Thunder the great hour, thunder that hour! Don't waste any more time!

Message from Our Lady to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on February 18, 2023


Most Holy Mary:

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit I bless you My children, I embrace you, I hold you close to My Breast and I bring you to My Son Jesus.

Beloved My children, I say to you who are here present and I say to all who follow the messages dictated by Heaven to His prophets.

My children,

I urge you to change your ways, turn your lives to the heavenly virtues; revise your character, My children, the sickening odor of your sins rises up to Heaven. God created His Children to be good, to bring the fragrance of Heaven even to Earth, which exhales the odor of death!

Men have given themselves to the infernal enemy, they have betrayed their God Love to prefer Satan.

Jesus weeps, His tears still bathe the Earth; He shows Himself in His infinite sorrow that men's hearts may repent and be converted: ...

many return to Him but others continue, undeterred, in their sins! My children, know that, shortly, time will be closed for good, the curtain will come down on this theater. What will you do My children?

Where will you go?

Continuing in the ways of Satan, you will enter despair and sorrow!

How many times have I pleaded your hearts to repentance! How many times have I called men to conversion! Many believe they have arrived but they have not, they will still have a long way to go to reach purity, to be elevated to God.

Soon, My children, there will be a great thunder, a roar coming from heaven: two stars will collide and the voice of God will thunder in many hearts, will you be ready My children?

I say to everyone, will you be ready My children for the meeting with your God????

Ah, what a pain! What a pain!

How much pride I still see in your hearts.

Abandon sin My children, come down quickly from the pedestal you have erected for yourselves, ... put your feet on the Earth! Revive yourselves in haste lest your feet remain glued to the Earth, so that you may pass through the great tribulation to come. God is Perfect Love: He calls His Children to be perfect in Him, to follow in His Footsteps,... embrace the holy Gospel.

Strip off the pride that invests your being and put on the garment of purity. In white robes you must come to the Lord, My children, to have Absolution. Run, run for cover My children, run for cover! Thunders the hour of the great hour, thunders that hour! Do not waste any more time!

Kneel before Jesus and plead for His Mercy, give yourselves to Him in "totus tuus " as He has asked you: ...

in "totus tuus," My children, in "totus tuus"! You are in prayer before this Grotto that will soon be illuminated with Divine Light that will envelop you in Himself! God will welcome all His Children into Himself,

He will clothe them with His Light, ...raise them to Himself and bring them with Himself into a perfect world. Then, clothed with heavenly gifts, many will return to this Earth to complete this Divine Work.

Beware, oh you who have not yet understood the urgency of these My appeals, for all is accomplished, the time is now closed,... it is closed My children,... it is closed!

God is in a hurry! He will wait no longer!

You have come to that much-announced hour!

I, the Blessed Virgin, still come to join My Hands to your hands.

My children ...

Now, in silence, retire to your homes in prayer, being always in communion with Jesus, united with Him.

I will be with you always! Even when you feel lonely, I will be with you.

Go ahead!

The battle is strong, but those who will be with God will be safe and victorious!

Source: ➥