Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, February 14, 2023
Pray for the Needs of the Holy Church – Evil Is Rampant in It
Message from Our Lady to Simona in Zaro di Ischia, Italy of February 8, 2022

I saw Mother, She was dressed in white, on Her head a white veil and a crown of twelve stars, a blue mantle on Her shoulders that reached down to Her feet that barefoot rested on the world in which scenes of wars and destruction were unfolding. Mother was sad and Her eyes filled with tears that She hid behind a sweet smile.
Praise be to Jesus Christ
My dear children, I love you and thank you that you have come here to My blessed forest. My children, My heart is torn and aching from all that is happening and from what is to come. I love you children, your pain is My pain, I am with you, I am beside you and I wipe away your tears. My children pray, draw near to the Lord, put your whole life in His hands, do not turn away, pray, pray for the needs of the Holy Church - evil is rampant in it - pray for My beloved and favorite children, pray for the fate of this world, daughter pray with Me.
I prayed with Mother, then She resumed the message.
My children, make little flowers and sacrifices for the salvation of souls for the good of this world, pray, kneel before the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, pray children and teach how to pray. My children do not turn away from My Immaculate Heart, stay close to Me, pray children pray.
Now I give you My holy blessing.
Thank you for flocking to Me.