Messages from Diverse Sources


Monday, February 6, 2023

Get Ready for the Warning!

Message from Our Lady to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on February 4, 2023


Most Holy Mary is with you, handmaid of the Lord!

Put all your love for Jesus, My daughter, and do not let yourself deviate from His Laws.

Heaven is now waiting to retrieve His Children, God the Father cries out all His sorrow for those who will not heed His Call of Salvation.

Beloved Children, prepare yourselves for the warning!

The thunder is about to be felt over the whole Earth, the clouds in the sky are preparing to send down torrential rains, the world will change its appearance, fire will suddenly break out and the acrid smell of corpses will be everywhere.

My children, it is not a joke this message, but it is what Heaven announces so that His children will be prepared for the event.

My charity is in all of you who hear and follow My Son Jesus, He is the One who will give you joy and eternal life.

A satellite is about to fall to Earth and others will follow. Earth's rotation is affected by the suffering solar vortex. I must announce that you will soon be in great distress:

a black-out will hit the Earth, ... darkness will come in, everything will stop! You will no longer have communication. God will speak to the hearts of His Children; ...His people are to be gathered into the shelters He has requested, only those who have borne good fruit will be housed.

Most Holy Mary, Coredemptrix of the Work of Salvation, will flank Her Children gathered in these refuges and prepare them for the great battle, the final challenge against Satan.

The hour of the great warning has come!

The world does not listen; it still goes in search of things that will be lost, while the Children of God wait with panting love to be embraced by the Father.

This is a time of hard trials, which is why I ask with Mother's love, to prepare you spiritually for this great event.

Jesus recommends conversion! Amen.

I welcome you into Me, My children: abandon yourselves to My arms. Amen!

Source: ➥