Messages from Diverse Sources
Friday, January 27, 2023
Benedict XVI Is Alive, Soon to Be Manifested with Great Power in Me
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy

Carbonia 25.01.2023
Beloved daughter, My intervention will astound every man!
Benedict XVI is alive, know My beloved children, that shortly he will be manifested with great power in Me.
I have chosen his mission in My Church and entrusted him with the Keys.
Now, he who works to dismantle My Prophecy, be damned!
Write now to My beloved people.
To My faithful Servants I say, Here am I to you My beloved ones!
Time is marked by the ticking of the clock! The hour of My Manifestation to men is imminent! Know how to be ordained in Me, be pure and faithful to My Voice; no other god calls you to purity of heart nor to holiness. Beloved ones, the time is over, I anxiously await the counterfeiter's declaration to spill everything on him, to separate what is good from what is evil!
Set out for holiness My children, beloved of My Sacred Heart, put Truth in you and walk in the direction of Me: only in Me is the Way, the Truth and the Life! Hold fast to the True Magisterium of the Church and never doubt My intervention to catapult the one who does not belong to Me.
Beloved children, it is your Creator God who speaks to you, who shows you the right way: do not be foolish, provide in time to put yourselves back into Me.
Dear and beloved son,
your ordeal is great in Me, but I will give you of My Power! You will come forth before men to announce My Intervention. Mary, My Most Holy Mother accompanied by Peter will be at your side! You will be strong as a lion and know how to shake the hearts of many nations; they will see you adorned in splendid garments, the light of the Lord God, you will radiate darkness to disperse it.
My son, My beloved, your Papacy has been great, and great will be your reward. Your martyrdom has been! Now thou shalt enjoy My Greatness! You shall scatter the traitors and reorder God's Holy Church, on Earth! You will carry in one hand a lily of purity and in the other the Key of the Church! God will bless you forever.
Source: ➥