Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, January 24, 2023
Mourning in the Church is coming soon! I will thunder My wrath on Rome!!!
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy

Carbonia 23.01.2023
I am God the Father Almighty!
Awake O men: your God is calling you back to Himself: CONVERT!
Behold, the time is ripe; My wrath is already upon the Earth, upon this perverse Humanity, turned away from its Creator to serve Satan.
The work of the Evil One goes on unhindered, ... mourning in the Church is at hand: ...they will override My Doctrine and impose that of the enemy.
The scandal that is in the earthly Church is in the eyes of the world ... but man does not question or intervene to say "Enough" to the constant sacrileges that take place in It.
My pain as a Father is infinite; I lose My children: they do not want to return to Me, they give themselves more and more to Satan.
The heinous crime of the unrighteous man in the earthly Church, surpasses all imagination.
Satan directs the ranks; My priests have drunk of his cursed cup: they will never see the light of day again.
I am the Creator God, your God Love, I cannot bear it any longer, ... this challenge to Me marks your end!
Damned vipers,
strip quickly of the garment stolen from the true priest of Christ! You cannot wear the sacred because you are no longer My children; you have sold your hearts to Satan, you have set yourselves up as princes of the earthly Church, you have drunk its deadly serum, you have brought disgust to My Eyes! Sprinkle your heads with ashes! Cleanse yourselves! Death is already in you! The whirlwind of your lies echoes in the air bringing curses and destruction to My People.
Here I am, I am ready!
Prepare yourself, O man, to topple in the mire of your misery, ... in excruciating pain you shall end your time!
I am a Jealous God; I love My Sons, I weep for their betrayal.
I gave life to man, that he might live in the wonders of My Love, but: .... one day an accursed seed settled in his heart, ...he received it, he fell, ...he gave himself up to the god of lies, of eternal death.
My eyes scrutinize your going: you are lost My children; you do not want to return to Me, Farewell!!!
... I have no more tears, I am tired! Farewell!!! Farewell!!!
Behold, the hour of My intervention has come I am coming to take My Faithful with Me.
That night the earth will tremble, tremble, tremble! Rome will succumb!!! It will thunder My wrath on Rome!!!
Wait until you see oh men!
I say to you now children of darkness: ... behold, that night like swarms of insects you will fly out of your beautiful rooms that will be on fire, you will run like madmen to seek shelter, but all will be in vain!
Goodbye! Goodbye! ...
I am really tired! Amen.
Source: ➥