Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, August 3, 2022
Mary Loving Mother
Message of Our Lady to Valeria Copponi in Rome, Italy

My children, I no longer know how to make you understand that these times you are living are the last you will spend on this tormented earth. Yes, My children, you have treated this dwelling of yours as the least of your duties.
Now perhaps you are beginning to see the damage you have done to the earth that your God had given you with so much love, the animals have always had more respect than you human beings.
If you waste any more time in the things of the world, you will no longer understand anything about the divine, that is, the true importance that God has given you.
Abandon worldliness and begin to pray and renew your resolutions of worship to your One Only God. My children, you have forgotten what true love is, putting the things of the world first.
Love your brothers and put first those who are neglected because they are poor. You have not yet understood that precisely in doing good to the least of these, God will grant you the first places in His kingdom.
You have destroyed all that God had so lovingly given you for your own good. My children, you have little time left to make up for your many mistakes, pray and make people pray and Jesus will lead you to the way of righteousness, that very way that is eternal life.
I bless you pray - pray and love.
Mary Loving Mother.
Source: ➥