Messages from Diverse Sources


Tuesday, June 14, 2022

You are about to meet your God face to face, O men!

Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy


Carbonia 11.06.2022

(*002 ap.11-06-22)

I, your loving God, will be pleased to embrace all My children, all those who are honoring Me with their faithful yes.

My beloved ones, you are My pearls, My delights on Earth, I will bestow upon you the gifts of the Holy Spirit, you will be purified and you will enter to inhabit New Heavens and New Earth.

Glorify your God by doing His Will and not your own, O men, offer Him good works and much prayer. Help Heaven to save as many souls as possible.

You are about to meet your God face to face, O men!

"You will all see Him!"

Every man will be given the opportunity for conversion

in front of the Glorious Cross.

God will manifest Himself to men to judge them!

Man will have the vision of the past of his life, before the Cross he will have to judge his sins, acknowledge himself as a sinner and, with a contrite heart, he will have to ask God's forgiveness for having offended Him.

God, in His great Mercy will judge and welcome those who have truly felt, in their hearts, the pain of their sins and ask, repentant, to be forgiven.

Those who will bear false witness before the Creator will not be able to enter His Forgiveness. That moment will be your ultimate choice: ... either with your God Love or with Satan! To you the choice, you have free will. Save yourselves O men, save yourselves! God is calling this Humanity to conversion, would you rather return to Life, ... renounce Satan!

The floodgates of Heaven are opening, the God of Life is descending to save His Children. Those who have kept His Laws, His Commandments, will enter to enjoy the New Age, while those who renounce God will repent bitterly because they will enter the great tribulation: ... war, famine, new plagues.

Repent now before the black moon falls!

God is in a hurry to close this story, "His Mercy must be accepted now" because afterwards it will not be possible.

God has spoken! Let man's ear receive His Word.


Source: ➥