Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, May 31, 2022
Everything is about to be fulfilled. Give yourselves completely to the Lord
Message from Our Lady to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy

Carbonia 28.05.2022 - 4:27 p.m. - locution
Most Holy Mary:
I bless you my children!
How good it is to have you gathered on this Hill, ... you here present and all those who are listening to us from afar, who are connecting with you.
The Father sees, the Father hears, the Father rewards. There will be gifts for all His children, and this will be realized on every creature that belongs to God: ... the one who opens his heart to the Father will receive His gift of love and will have the grace of knowing that He has come from Heaven, ... "Kingdom of love and joy!"
God's children will return to God, will be reunited with Him, with the one true God! To the Heavenly Father! To the One Creator.
Rejoice as of today My children, ... you already belong to Heaven, you are already on the road that leads to Paradise, never look back but try to climb higher and higher to the high mountain where God is waiting to shelter you all in Himself.
Do not be flattered by the false prophet, do not listen to the Lie, you know the Holy Scriptures, know the Word of God, live the Holy Gospel: "nothing changes" from what I am manifesting to the world today through My true prophets.
Everything is about to be fulfilled My children, abandon the things of the world, lift your eyes to Heaven, give yourselves completely to your Lord Jesus Christ.
You are beautiful as the sun, you are pure within, My children, listen to My voice, ... listen to Mary, She who descends among you today to bring you to the final challenge against Satan, victorious in Christ Jesus.
Forward! Be ready! ... with pure hearts, your eyes always turned upward, ... await the sign from Heaven!
Bring to your homes the blessing of God! Bring to your loved ones and friends God's love, God's blessing, God's friendship.
Amen! Amen! Amen!
Source: ➥