Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, April 25, 2022
Pray with the Heart, Surrender to Love and Offer Yourselves to HIM so That Salvation May Now Be Accomplished
Message from Our Lady to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy

Carbonia 23.04.2022
Most Holy Mary with you who are following My Son Jesus.
A new sun will rise, a new life to be lived in the Beauty of Love. You will soon enter the dimension of Love and enjoy everything that belongs to Him.
You will have everything in love and grace, you will be free,
like Angels you will hover in the blue sky,
in the Universe you will travel and be festive.
Your transformation depends on your state of purity. Many will enter to enjoy Life very soon, while others will still have to stay on this Earth for their purification.
My children, it is your Heavenly Mother who is speaking to you and accompanying you in this painful ascent to be victorious against Satan. Open your hearts, My children, strip yourselves of the things of the world, set out for holiness.
Do not refrain from enjoying the wonders of God, ... renounce sin!
Change your attitude, O men, divest yourselves of your ego, of your pomposity, clothe yourselves with humility and love. Let there be no obstinacy in making mistakes, the time that is coming will not be a time of grace because God's mercy will stop, everything will enter the dark and it will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
We call again to conversion those who stand by without taking a step forward in faith!
Believe, O men, believe in Him who loves you infinitely, open your hearts to Him who out of love gave Himself in His All to save you.
The hour is tinged with red, the East wind is blowing strongly over Europe, tragedy is imminent. Pray My children, pray with the heart, surrender to Love and offer yourselves to Him so that Salvation may now be accomplished.
People of God, rise up! Put love in yourself, turn away from sin, heal your heart, cleanse it of all sin. Repent, O man, return to your Creator God, do not wait for evil to rule in you. Renounce Satan, O man, and take refuge in the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Ask "now" forgiveness for your transgressions, ... with true repentance ask for the grace of forgiveness and strive to commit no more sins.
The volcano of the great war is about to explode, the unjust man wants to touch the nuclear power! Pray My children, pray for God to intervene soon. Pray for the early return of Jesus to Earth.
Beloved children, oh you who call Me even in your sleep and favor Me with you, know that My Mantle will protect you from every calamity.
May your obedience to the Father always be, do not disrespect Him, do not allow the Devil to have satisfaction over you, enter into God's mercy and unite with Him by embracing His Commandments, do not fail to obey God's Will! Amen.
In My Robe of Woman Clothed in the Sun, I bless you, ... I take you under My Protection, trust in God, ... love only Him.
You have come to the end of an old time, God's people are about to enter the New Land.
Forward without fear! God IS!
Source: ➥