Messages from Diverse Sources
Thursday, April 21, 2022
Plague Will Come; Pray for the Land of MY Son
Message from Our Lady to Gisella Cardia in Trevignano Romano, Italy

My children, thank you for having responded to My call in your hearts. My children, today is the anniversary of My meeting with My chosen one [i.e. Gisella Cardia], and I thank her and her spouse for having always given precious time in order to carry on this great work of grace.
My children, I also thank you who have borne all of this with your faith, believing in My presence and welcoming the signs sent from Heaven, and for those who have opened their hearts, nothing will be lacking – the graces will be many, even the smallest ones which you sometimes do not notice.
My children, My little ones, I have called you one by one to be courageous witnesses, and I am here again to ask you to help Me to bring souls to God. Prayer at today’s event will free many souls. Plague will come; pray for the land of My Son. Now I bless you in the name of the Most Holy Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.
Source: ➥