Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, March 2, 2022
Pray for the Consecration of China and Russia to My Immaculate Heart as well as to the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Divine Mercy
Message from Our Lady of Light to Ned Dougherty in New York, USA

PLEASE NOTE: Ned Dougherty did not receive a “Message from Heaven” during the month of February 1-28, 2022.
March 2, 2022 @ 11:35 am – Ash Wednesday
St Rosalie’s Campus, Hampton Bays, New York
Our Lady of Light
My mission to you today is to convince My children of the necessity for you as Powerful Prayer Warriors to pray for the Consecration of China and Russia to My Immaculate Heart as well as to the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Divine Mercy.
It is now up to you the children of God, who are also the children of My Son, Your Redeemer Jesus Christ, to bring about an end to world wars and to usher in a period of Peace as has been promised to you by My Son – a New Heaven and a New Earth – when My Son will make all things new again.
I am appealing to all of you and each of you directly to recognize the power of your prayers to bring about world peace in these End Times, for it is through the children of the Church of My Son that the world will be renewed again from the bottom up with the littlest of My children, rather than from the top down by the prelates and politicians, who you now realize have been disappointing you time and time again.
The reason for your disappointment in your world leaders, both religious and secular, is that so many world leaders have fallen into an evil slumber whereby the mortal enemy of God’s children, who is also the enemy of the Father in Heaven, His Son, and your Heavenly Mother, has taken control of the minds of these world leaders while the evil one has also, covertly and secretly, taken power and control over so many of you.
The evil one is operating in so many devious ways that even his minions here on Earth are not aware of how craftily he has been manipulating his earthly minions who are drunk with the intoxication of power and control over God’s children, a power and control that will constantly and continuously elude them, because it was never the intention of the Father in Heaven to allow His children to be lorded over by the forces of evil.
So now, here on Earth, what has occurred is that the evil one’s minions – the new world order people, the elites, and their ilk – are divided and confused in how they will continue to go about their plan of conquering God’s children – a plan which is necessary for them to achieve the evil one’s demonic plan to force upon humanity a draconian cloak of power and control that is intended to separate and divide humanity away from the power and the influence of the Father in Heaven.
The minions of satan are now exercising their demonically-inspired powers with the intention of creating their new world order, but their power and influence over you in this secular world is being influenced from the dark world of satan and his fallen angels to the point that the powers that be – here on Earth – appear to be implementing their plans through chaos and confusion since the minions of satan are being divided among themselves, but this division is also the covert plan of the evil one, even against his earthly minions.
Ultimately, the plan of the evil one is to destroy all of God’s children, first of all, by getting many of you to renounce your faith in your Father and His Son, your Redeemer, and secondly, by getting you to submit to the plans of satan’s minions by enslaving yourselves to forget your mission in life, which is to assist My Son, Your Redeemer, in making all things new.
Although the veil between your world and the Heavenly Realms is being lifted, you are now in a period of the End Times when the fog of war is descending upon your Earth and the satanic legions of hell are being unleashed onto your battlefields, both in the secular and the spiritual world.
For many of you, your ability to have an influence in the secular battle is limited, but your God-given abilities to affect the course of events in the spiritual world is being heightened and increased, for ultimately the secular world will be changed for the better by the power of the Holy Spirit as it becomes increasingly more fully implemented upon human events.
So, once again, I must implore you to PRAY, PRAY, PRAY, more powerfully to influence the current events in your world for the betterment of mankind.
I specifically ask that you pray the Rosary continuously and incessantly for Your Heavenly Mother, who now requests from the Powerful Prayer Warriors that you pray for the Consecration of the two countries that satan has now commanded so much influence over – China and Russia – as both countries are now in league with the new world order elitists.
Although the fog of war makes it certain that you will be confused by the allegiances of these dark entities – China and Russia – who are both beholding to the new world order elitists, they only appear to be at odds with others among their ilk. The reason for the confusion in this fog of war is that satan is playing his minions in ways that they do not yet understand. For in the end, satan will turn against his minions and his minions against each other, when his demonic plans fail.
For it was never the intention of the Father in Heaven that the evil one would – in finality – be able to exercise complete power and control over God’s children.
For it is the plan of the Father in Heaven that the world will be changed for the better through the power of the prayers of God’s children. As I have prophesied to you in the past, the power of prayer is the greatest weapon that God has gifted to mankind to change things for the better.
Through your prayers, you will be successful in changing the course of events here on Earth and assisting the Father in Heaven; His Son, Your Redeemer; and your Heavenly Mother in transforming the world into a better place – a New Heaven and a New Earth.
So depart from this Heavenly Message with a renewed commitment to pray powerfully for peace in your world. You personally can and will make a difference, if you continue to support the Father in Heaven through your prayers and petitions.
It is so, because the Father in Heaven has willed it!
So be it! Thanks be to God!
Message ended 12:02 pm
Consecration Prayer for Russia (may also be applied to China)
Source: ➥