Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Monday, September 29, 2014

Anne speaks at the patron saint's feast of the Holy Archangel Michael after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass after Pius V.

in the house chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Today, St. Michael the Archangel shone in a special glow and was bathed in golden light. He stood on the altar and struck his sword again in all four directions. As always, he keeps all evil away from us. He would like to congratulate us today on his patron saint's day, for which we have chosen him in the house church in Göttingen. It is he who congratulates us for having chosen him. He has great power, for he is the prince of angels. He is the one who started the fight between Lucifer and the holy angels. He has won the battle. The power of God was in him. He was chosen as prince of the angels. He said yes to it, and he passed this battle. We, too, should say our yes.

We are also under its special protection in this house of glory. When we call upon St. Michael the Archangel, we can ask for an exorcism at any time for those who are in grave sin, especially on this day. We can ask him to free them from these grave sins, so that they can once again receive the sanctifying grace and give priority to prayer, because without prayer it is not possible. When we pray the rosary, we have the guideline, the ladder to heaven. The Blessed Mother will accompany us. There are many rosaries that are modified. But each rosary is blessed by the dear Blessed Mother. We ourselves pray the rosary every day. Not just one, but several. The Blessed Mother is very happy to hear it - says St. Michael the Archangel - when we pray the rosaries in her honor, in order to liberate other people who have not yet found faith, but remain in mistaken belief. The holy archangel Michael is at our side.

This patron saint's festival, which we celebrated today together with the house church in Göttingen, is a special celebration. The house church in Göttingen is connected to the house chapel in Mellatz. You are one. We cannot see this with our eyes, but we have to imagine it with our spiritual eyes. The holy archangel Michael remains the great prince of angels. He wants to protect us on all our paths, especially on these most difficult paths that we are facing at the moment. We can always call him for help.

Many of our followers are surely already calling him. You know that today we are celebrating his feast and he has the greatest power to help me in my serious illness. He will not leave me alone. He knows that I have to fight through severe suffering. He knows my fears of death very well. Especially Jesus Christ knows about the fear of death in the oil garden Gethsemanie. He lets me share it for the others, to free many people from mortal sins, especially the priests. He wants to save them and he asks us again and again not to give up, but to continue to pray and to take up the fight against evil. Even if we think this battle is too hard for us, Saint Michael the Archangel is always there. The Mother of God and St. Michael the Archangel are enthroned on the House of Glory with St. Joseph. We cannot see them with our human eyes, but with the spiritual eyes we feel that they are there because they love us so much.

All those who comfort the Heavenly Father, especially Jesus Christ in His suffering of death, He protects in a special way and does not leave them alone. He takes them under his protection and accompanies them. And we can be sure that on this day, his feast day, he may and will pour out especially many graces when we call on him. Many should call him. He wants to be with us. The angels also have a desire to satisfy the longing of Jesus Christ in the Trinity, the longing of the Heavenly Father. They are spirit beings and are close to him and know about his longing. Of course, hatred stands against it. The holy archangel Michael is the fighter. He naturally fights for the good, to satisfy the longing of the Heavenly Father in the Trinity. Jesus expects this consolation from His small flock, whom He especially protects and loves, but whom He must and wants to put through the greatest suffering in the world.

And so we want to trust in the love of the Heavenly Father, in the love of the Holy Archangel Michael with the Blessed Mother and all Her other angels, the choirs, the cherubim, the seraphim and the guardian angels.

We celebrate the guardian angel festival on Thursday, October 2. And so today I ask the Holy Archangel Michael to accompany me and help me out of the greatest fears of death, so that I do not succumb to them, but can emerge victorious.

And so now the Holy Archangel Michael blesses us with all his angels around us. We cannot see them, but with the mind's eye we can imagine them. They bless all of us and save us under their wings to give us a sense of security.

Now bless us in the Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


