Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Call upon Me in the fight against evil!
- Message No. 418 -
My daughter. Tell Our children that they may consult Us before making any decision, especially if they are uncertain.
If something does not feel good, do not decide for it, but if you think it would be good, but (still) have doubts, consult Us. We will put the answer in your heart.
My children. Trust in Heaven, in Me, your Jesus, and in all your saints, must be great and without limitation, because only in this way can We work for you, in you and around you.
So trust in Me and in the help of all your Heavenly Helpers, for this will make your life much easier.
Trust is the basis for our relationship. Whoever does not trust in Me has not arrived with Me, and it still requires much prayer and learning to be able to live with Me truly whole and in devotion to Me.
My children. I, who am blessed with the Father's omnipotence, will work miracles in your lives, but you must entrust all of yourselves to Me and not just a small part of you, of your life.
I, who am sent to be with you, will take care of EVERYTHING for you here as in eternity. Believe and trust, for so it will be, and so it is already here with the children who have given themselves completely to Me.
My children. Really find your way completely to Me, to your Jesus, then peace will come to you and My love and My joy will be omnipresent in you. So be it.
Your loving Jesus.
Redeemer of all God's children.
--- "My children. My Son works miracles in the one who gives HIM his YES.
So wait no longer and confess HIM, your Savior, and beautiful will be the last days of your earthly life and those of your eternity.
Your Father in heaven.
Creator of all being."
--- "The Lord has spoken, so follow His call.
Whoever confesses Jesus will be filled, and this filling will accompany him all his life, here and in eternity. So be it.
Come now, My children, and give your YES to HIM, the Savior of the world, so that His miracles can happen to you, and the Eternal Father (again) finds pleasure in you.
I, the angel of the Lord, tell you. Amen.
Your angel of the Lord."
--- "Call upon Me in the battle against evil, for everything that does not come from the Lord Himself, I will cut off from you with My mighty sword.
So pray to Me, to your Holy Archangel Michael, for the battle for souls has begun, and I am your defender from all evil.
So be it.
Turn to Me, to your Holy Helper, whom God the Father sent for you.
I love you, and I will fight for each one of you who is faithful to Jesus and prays to Me.
Your Holy Archangel Michael.
Leader of the Heavenly Hosts."
Thank you, My child. Make this known.
Source: ➥