Messages from Diverse Sources


Wednesday, September 11, 2024

You Are About to Witness the End of an Old Time, God the Father Presents the New Life in Himself, Welcome It!

Message from God The Fathery to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on September 4, 2024


Like a thunderbolt I will come suddenly and shake the minds of men.

My beloved children, I, your Creator God, call you back to Me again. Wake up, My children, the storm is at the gates, the world will find itself in the midst of destruction.

Children of your Creator God, do not put up resistance to My voice, return to Me, to your Father, to Him who loves you so much and wants to save you from devastation.

Surrender yourselves to Me, I love you infinitely and so long to have you back home.

Show yourselves docile to My call, do not flee from Me, do not be proud, Satan tries to draw you to himself by showing you power and glory on Earth, but, in truth, know that it is false!

Work on yourselves, beloved children, reflect well, the world is in shambles, the war will be terrible, do not waste your time by going in search of vain things, instead provide for the healing of your soul so that God may take you into Himself and give you of Himself.

You are about to witness the end of an old time, God the Father is presenting you with the New life in Himself, welcome it! He wants you to enjoy true life without sin, neither weeping nor sorrow, you will have to enjoy the Things of your Father: you will enter barefoot on a new Earth where you will find what you have never been given to know!...Evergreen meadows, clear air, lush trees, springs of pure water, fragrance of unknown flowers, your God will be there waiting for you, He will extend His Hands to you and take you into Himself. Behold, beloved children of your Father, this is the New Eden, New Heavens and New Earth for you to enjoy. Everything will be in the fragrance of My love for you.

Come, come festive to the meeting with your Creator God, come full of Me, I await you with infinite love, I want to caress your hearts, I long to see you happy: you are My creatures, you are My most beautiful jewels, you are part of Me!

Come, flowers of My Garden, My Sacred Heart throbs with love for you, it is time for new things in Me.

I long for you, I bless you, come, come joyful, your life enters the delights of My Creation.

God the Father.

Source: ➥
