Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, June 28, 2014
You are the warning finger of God!
- Message No. 602 -
My child. My dear child. Please tell Our children that We love them. Our love for them is infinite, and Our hope is that all children will turn to My Son.
My children. Do not lose any more time, for those who do not convert in time will soon run out of "opportunity", because the lies of the Antichrist, as soon as he enters your world affairs, will be used and spread in such a purposeful and calculating way that you will fall into deeper and deeper error and will no longer recognize the way to My Son.
My children. Keep your eyes and ears open, because much evil is happening in your world. The signs of the end times are visible in all countries of the earth, and the sky colors, storms, catastrophes as well as much more are changed and inexplicable depending on the region. More "happenings" will arrive to warn the world and give a sign to people to wake up and repent, but it is still a long way for many to realize or ACCEPT that all these are signs to repent and God the Father sends and allows them to wake you up to find the way to salvation, eternity at His side.
My children. Take the signs as they are and recognize them as such! They are the warning finger of God to bring/lead you to conversion! They are gifts from heaven to shake you awake and to let you believe (again): In God, the Father and Creator, in His Holy Son, your Redeemer and in the eternity in the Kingdom of Heaven, which is given to all children who are faithful to Jesus!
See the signs of the times and turn back! Then your world will become a much more beautiful place to live in, and you will all attain the New Kingdom. Do not continue to follow the stream of self-realization and self-glorification, for it will lead you first into emptiness and then straight into the hell of the beast!
Don't be stupid and confess Jesus, because only with HIM you will enter the New World. Only through HIM will you find your way back to the Father.
I love you from the depths of My Mother's Heart and protect everyone who seeks refuge in Me.
With deep love.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
--- "Only I Am the Way and the Light that guides you, and the Love that floods you. So come to Me, into My Holy Arms, for I Am your Redeemer. Amen.
Your loving Jesus. Amen."
"Everyone who gives Me his sincere YES, I will lead to the Father. Amen."
Source: ➥