Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Get completely involved with Me this Christmas!
- Message No. 362 -
My child. My dear child. Come back to Us fully and let yourself fall into My Holy arms.
My child. Everything is as it should be. Trust. And enjoy your time together away from the mundane. Your time will be beautiful, and it will be more and more beautiful for all Our children who love Us, live with Us and are faithful even in these difficult and so superficial times.
My children. My dear children. I, your Jesus, am now coming soon, and great will be the amazement of those who have not prepared for Me. But all Our beloved children will then still get the last chance to join Me, and great will also be the joy in their hearts.
But those who continue to reject Me, turn their backs on Me and run after the adversary, these children I will not be able to take with Me to the New World, because they close their hearts and are not worthy to experience the glories of the Father. But those who give Me their YES will enter with Me into this New World and happily, peacefully, and fulfilled they will live with Me there.
There will be no more strife among them, for the devil will then be defeated by Me, by your Jesus, and a thousand years he will be chained in the lake of fire. But those who refused Me their YES, he will carry away with him and will let out his evil power on them in rage and distress, in suffering and torment.
My children. It is not too late. Come all of you to Me, to your Jesus, and great will be the miracles also in your life. Your heart will become light and joyful, because the one who confesses Me, who surrenders himself and his life to Me, I will take care of him, here and in the New World.
My children. Convert yourselves and let yourselves be completely devoted to Me this Christmas. Turn within yourselves! Reflect! And enjoy these wonderfully holy days to be truly with Me, your Jesus.
I love you. Make yourselves ready for Me.
Your loving Jesus.
Savior of all God's children.
Source: ➥