Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
In My Kingdom, love lives! - Grow seed, for you will need it.
- Message No. 275 -
My children. My daughter. My Kingdom will be beautiful. It will surpass anything you have known. Perfect children will be given to you, for in My Kingdom everyone will be perfect. You will live love and experience great joy. But even here you will continue to "grow", and I, your Jesus who loves you so much, will be with you and guide you.
My Church will rise, and Peter, to whom I made this promise, will lead it. Yes, My children, My so beloved children. Peter will be with you, as will the whole Heaven! Your saints you will "get to know", because those who are already in contact with you will also be at your side in My New Kingdom.
Your ancestors you will meet again and some of them you will get to know completely new, but only those who are in love with you, because in My Kingdom lives love! It is filled with the Divine love of My Father, who is so looking forward to this peaceful era! To see His children united with Me, His Holy Son, fills Him with the greatest joy, because that is how He intended it to be and that is how it will soon be.
We will all live together in love and keep the millennial peace. If then, at the end of this time, once again Our children, that is you, will be exposed to the temptation of the devil, then you must be strong enough to resist him, the evil one. All children who then remain faithful to the Father will enter His Kingdom of Heaven. My Kingdom will come to an end, and in eternity We will dwell with the Father.
But about this, My children, do not worry your heads, because the here and now is important. Whoever does not prepare, I cannot take him, and for him a thousand years of hell will be his home.
More and more We will reveal to you, but the essential thing for you is your preparation. That is why We chose Mary for the Divine preparation of hearts, so that you may get ready for this present time.
My children. Hurry up, because very soon a lot of bad things will happen. Those who are not prepared will have a hard time, but those who believe in Me, trust in Me and are faithful to Me, I will take care of them, defend them from evil and save them from the greatest evils and hardships.
Believe and trust, for so it will be.
Your loving Jesus.
Savior of all the children of God.
"My daughter, My daughter so loved by Me. Grow seed, for you will need it. Your Father in heaven."
"Make this known, My child. God the Father, Jesus and Mary" (in perfect love).
Source: ➥