Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, May 26, 2013
On the Day of Judgment you will have to answer for them!
- Message No. 153 -
My child. My dear child. There you are. I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, am very happy that you are coming to Me. I love you very much and your little daughter too. Listen now to what I have to say to the world: Receiving Holy Communion is very precious and important for your children. Whoever is not baptized, whoever does not go to Communion, will find it very difficult to come to Us, because the basic requirements for a Christian life with Us, with My Holy Son Jesus and God the Father and the saints and angels, are missing.
Whoever does not baptize his children commits a great sin against God and harms the person he loves most: his child. Whoever does not prepare his child for a life with Us, all of Heaven, sins and disturbs the harmony of life that this child would otherwise live.
You must have your children baptized again. You must prepare them. This is your sacred duty as parents to your children. God the Father gives you your children. Give them back to Him. Only then can they become truly happy.
Whoever brings up his child without God is harming his child. This child will go astray, because you have not told him about Us. You "clutter" your children with your earthly, selfish and completely apostate ways of life and views, instead of offering them the only true and the only eternal: A life with God according to HIS laws.
What do you presume to withhold these little souls from your Creator? Do you want them to grow up without meaning in life? Do you want to expose them to the danger of the devil and his demons, those who do not know how to defend themselves, because they grow up helpless and without guidance about the essential? Do you want to take this guilt upon yourselves, because on the Day of Judgment you will have to answer for them and for everything that has gone wrong in their lives, because you have raised them far from the Divine. Do you want that? Do you want to watch those you love the most go astray and not experience eternal life because you did not reveal it to them?
Baptize them again and give them back to God the Father! A child you give back to God the Father will never perish! Let your children experience Holy Communion and go to Holy Mass with them again. Teach them about Our Father, God the Most High, and tell them about Jesus. Bring them to HIM and surrender yourselves and them to HIM.
Then, My so beloved children, you will have happy families again and children who will treat you with respect, who will care for you when you have grown too old, who will be there for you and others and who will reach eternal life with God in the New Paradise, because whoever lives with God the Father, whoever gives his YES to Jesus, will never be lost.
So be it.
Your loving Mother in Heaven. Mother of all the children of God.
Source: ➥