Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, March 30, 2013
My Resurrection!
- Message No. 82 -
My child. I, your Jesus, am here, come to talk to you about My Resurrection.
When I died on the cross, My Father's plan was fulfilled. With My death on the cross, I took upon Myself all the suffering that was in the world and also what was to come, and redeemed it through this cruel death that was inflicted on Me. That is, from that moment on, the world was redeemed from sin. Every soul could now be resurrected, provided it was good and repented.
My children. It is still the same today, because what I loaded on Me at that time benefits all God's children. Each one of you has the chance to share Eternal Life with Me, because I, your Jesus, have opened the way to the Kingdom of Heaven for you. Through My Resurrection I have shown you that life does not end with the death you know, but a new life begins, an Eternal Life, the actual True Life.
I have shown you that it is possible to live even after death, and many of you have believed Me. All of God's children have been given salvation through Me, and all of you may look forward to an eternity with Me. I, who give you true love, rejoice over all the children who come to Me. My Kingdom is great, and everyone finds his place in it. Each one of you will lack nothing. A place at My side is assured to those who love Me and honor Me, and who are already faithful to Me during their lifetime.
With My death on the cross, every sinner has been given the chance to come to Us and live with Us for eternity, through repentance and faith in Me, in My Father and the Holy Spirit. My Father has laid everything out so wonderfully in deep love for you and in connectedness, because you are all part of the great whole, all a part of HIM.
Created in His image, He had great joy in you. This joy was weakened by all the sins that have been committed since then. Beginning with Adam and Eve, who allowed themselves to be deceived, their descendants hardly had a chance not to become sinful as well, because the sin of your ancestors was passed on to the next generations. And even though you are all sinful human children to this day, you are still God's children, and God the Father loves each one of you. His love for you is immeasurably great and His joy over all the children who find their way back to Him can hardly be described with earthly words.
Through My death the resurrection has become possible, and everyone who believes in Me gives Us and especially My Father the greatest joy. An almost lost joy, if you look at history: the first fall of man, the apostasy, the wars; it was already very sad for My Father to see His creation - His beloved man - sin so.
What HE created in love, His children were able to destroy. But the greatest suffering is the suffering of turning away from Him, your Father. He, who is your life-giver, you do not want to know anything about. This is the saddest thing that has been done to My Father.
Do you feel the sorrow, the pain and the grief that HE carries? For every apostate child HE weeps bitter tears, but no one can see it, especially those who inflict this pain on HIM. God the Father, the Father of all of us, is very sad, because although He sent you Me, His Son, He still weeps for every non-believing child. He is your Father. He wants only the very best for you, but so many turn away from Him, from Me.
Nevertheless, in spite of all the suffering, Our joy is very great, because as My Mother told you on Good Friday, so many of Our children have converted to Me, your Jesus. And now, as soon as My Father gives His consent, I, your beloved Jesus, will come to you, first only to you, each one of you, then visibly to all in the sky high with all the signs I will come and liberate you to take you with Me. This is the day of great joy, when I will enter with you into heaven, which merges with earth, to live there in peace with you. That, My beloved children, will be a day of celebration, and it will make My Father happy, finally united with all His beloved children who love Him. Unfortunately, many will also be lost. They are those who will reject Me at My Second Coming.
My children. My beloved children. The transition to the New World will last only a moment. It will be beautiful for you and you will become "new people". Look forward to this day that has been prepared for you for a long time. Now, at last, you may enter the promised inheritance that your ancestors have long dreamed of.
My dear children. I, your Jesus, promise to grant great graces to each one of you who believes in Me, to shorten the time of suffering (for you) and to give you glory now and forever.
Your loving Jesus.
Our Lady: My child. My Son has great graces in store for you. Believe in Him. He will make you happy.
Note: I felt this great sadness from God the Father. It is really indescribably sad, and tears welled up in my eyes. I saw that out of pure love for mankind, He sacrificed His Son so that again, finally, all His children would find their way to Him, and since we don't - at least not all of us - He is very, very sad.
My child, make this known. Your Jesus.
Source: ➥