Messages from Diverse Sources


Saturday, October 26, 2024

Full of Love and Holy Spirit You Will Soon Go to Evangelize the Nations, to Bring Back to the World the Christ Who Was Denied!!!

Republished Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy from January 16, 2018


Holy men will manifest themselves in the Word of God and proceed according to the Will of God, there will be no other voice but that of God Love, the Living One!

Carbonia, 06.1.2018

6:52/19:03 p.m.

The Holy Trinity comes to you to bless you and set you on high.

We urge your sincere yes and lead you to the highest heights in love and charity. Marked by the Holy Spirit Love, you will be renewed in love and will be guests of the Lord; in His Bosom you will enter to dwell and speak His very Language. Now that all is accomplished, mark yourselves in Him who comes to take you back into Himself, put yourselves in priestly ordination and follow His Voice, always, for HE will lead you to Victory. Beloved children of Love, sweet guests of the Soul of your God Love, you who are creatures docile to His Love, you are the ones who will inherit the Kingdom of God on Earth; renewed in Love you will be Love in Love and you will be Light in Light.

The Most Holy Trinity will shelter you in His All and refresh you in His Bosom, like innocent children you will enter the Father's House, everything in you will be in the Father, nothing will be more than the things of before because everything will turn in Him Who Is! Beloved children, Christ is Risen!

Out of Love He gave Himself for the salvation of His brothers, today, that you are the followers of Jesus, put yourselves in the condition of Jesus, be brothers in Christ to save your brothers. The hour thunders already in the second coming of the Son of Man, He who saved you is coming, He is coming back to visit you to make you all holy. My children, Christ is Love and love must be in you who are His children.

Love one another and cooperate in God's Work, that, His Plan may triumph before the appointed time.

Victory against Satan will happen with you, because your obedience has been pleasing in the Eyes of the Father!

You, who have been called to cultivate Love in you, may His Holy Will be done upon you.

Filled with Love and the Holy Spirit you will soon go forth to evangelize the nations, to bring back to the world the Christ who was denied, you will present Him according to God's Holy Will and you will be the apostles of the last times, faithful soldiers of Love. Triumphant in Love you will visit new worlds and participate in the Divine Plan filled with love and charity. Let yourself be cradled by God's Love, leave to Him your heart, your going, your thinking, your daily penance, leave to Him who is Eternal Life, your going, your wandering on Earth. Holy men will manifest themselves in the Word of God and proceed according to the Will of God, there will be no other voice but that of God Love, the Living One! The universe awaits your fulfillment in the Work of Salvation. Most Holy Mary, Coredemptrix in the Plan of Salvation, will be your Guide, your Heavenly Mother who will lead you to where everything is in the fullness of God. It is time for change, it is time for new things in Christ Jesus: wait now for His Manifestation, God is Love! Amen! Blessings and graces to you, beloved children of Love.

Source: ➥
