Messages from Diverse Sources


Friday, October 25, 2024

I Want to Make Known to the World This Last Test of My Passion and My Death, the Invisible One of the Last Stage of My Passion, and There I Lived It Perfectly

Message from Our Lord and God Jesus Christ to Sister Beghe in Belgium on October 9, 2024




My dear children,

I give you a revelation. When I died, still on the Cross, I saw the world and remained motionless, as if petrified. It was dark, vile, low and immensely evil.

I saw all the disputes, all the ingratitude, all the quarrels, all the disunity, all the wars and I saw the demon of Pride, Lucifer, rejoicing in the disorder, baseness and irresponsibility of men throughout the centuries.

I particularly saw the crimes of those who called themselves My people and who were proud. They were so full of themselves, their superiority, their wealth, their inviolable abilities, that the fate of those they mistreated was totally indifferent to them. I saw hell open up to seize Me, because I was the receptacle of all the world's misfortunes and My Soul was terrified. I saw all the damned of all times hating and detesting Me, and they all wanted to grab Me and drag Me down with them. The demons, the demonic and condemned souls wanted Me with them to condemn Me even more, and I was seized by this evil horde as I was leaving My poor tortured and beaten body.

My immaculate Soul, yet covered with all the evils of the earth, all the sins of men, whatever their horror or their baseness, was apparently destined for them; they believed it and their vileness made them believe that they could dominate what belonged to God alone.

I was seized and I, divine goodness, divine charity, divine excellence but also divine authority, rejected their pressure with a flaming gaze manifesting unparalleled power and they all threw themselves backwards, an effect that no other soul 'could have obtained over them if not the divine soul.

П: I freed Myself from their clutches, from their anger, from their foul breath, which could not have been achieved by anyone else, and began My journey into all the lower spheres of the afterlife, commonly called 'Hades or hell.

I delivered the souls of the just, patient and fervent, located in the sphere of the Patriarchs, because as long as the Redemption was not fulfilled, they too, heirs of original sin, could not reach the paradise where the holy souls vivified by My Life would now have access.

This terrible attack on all of hell, where My most implacable and most detestable enemies were to be found, was the final test of My Soul, confronted with the greatest evil, with infinite evil, with evil of the deepest horror. She was victorious, One against ALL, where no soul can ever escape, where all are condemned for eternity because they have forever rejected the Living and Eternal God.

This test was My final victory, the one that many souls on earth ignore, because only those who attain perfect Knowledge in the place of eternal Happiness know it.

I want to make known to the world this last test of My Passion and My Death, the invisible one of the last stage of My Passion, and there I lived it perfectly. My Authority was exemplary because, seized, I didn't fight, I impressed My enemies so much with My imperious and unattainable gaze that they retreated, they let go of Me involuntarily, pronouncing My Name “Jesus” in spite of everything, by themselves, they surrendered and bent their knees before their great indignation (Phil 2:9-10). Released, I left immediately, leaving them to their shame and anger.

I was welcomed with deep and holy joy by My Elders in the Limbo of the Patriarchs and I traveled through all the other spheres of the invisible world bringing them the Hope and confidence of Salvation.

I wanted to introduce you to the knowledge of this invisible reality and all My Saints in Heaven know this, for it is an integral part of My Passion and My Death.

I have suffered physically, psychologically and spiritually, I have known everything, I have experienced everything personally and no physical or moral pain is unknown to Me.

I support you, My children, in all the pain, in all the difficulties, in all the weariness and in all the misunderstandings, because I have lived it all, I have known it all, I have experienced it all.

In Me you will find the perfect confidant, the experienced comforter and the competent doctor for every illness. Everything is curable, it is cured in Me, I leave no one behind as long as they turn to Me. I am your Savior, your Redeemer, nothing is unknown to Me, nothing is indifferent to Me, and I LOVE YOU. May God be blessed, loved and admired.

I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. So be it.

Your Lord and your God.

Source: ➥ t.Me/NoticiasEProfeciasCatolicas
