Messages from Diverse Sources


Tuesday, October 22, 2024

You Will Soon Be Kidnapped and Then Brought Back to This World to Help Those Who Have Denied God

Message from Most Holy Mary to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on October 19, 2024, Locution at the Hill


Mary Most Holy says:

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit I bless you

My children, I embrace you all in My Bosom and take you with Me; the road is hard and full of thorns, but you, by My side, in obedience to God's will, will be victorious in God.

Do not forsake the painful way, My children, only through the cross will you come to resurrection and eternal life; embrace it, love it.

We beseech the Holy Trinity: ... Mercy! Mercy! Mercy!

Father, may Your intervention be now! Now! this time of disaster, hunger, war...! Rescue Your people, O God. Hell is raging on Earth,but,before that happens, we beseech Thy mercy, keep Thine own in Thee.

Thy will be done, Father! We, Thy children, join in the pain of Thy Jesus, carrying our cross for the salvation of so many souls; we give ourselves to Thy plan, Thy will, with all our hearts we offer Thee all our love in this mission.

My children, oh you who have given your yes to this call, verily I say to you, you will soon be kidnapped and then brought back to this world to help those who have denied God.

My children, unite in love. Convert yourselves! Repent! Convert yourselves!

O Father, I still beseech You, I implore Your immediate intervention on this Earth! Do not wait any longer, Father. Many children have turned their backs on You, they do not want You and will not return to You, they repudiate You, they mock You, ...they do not believe in You!

O Father! Intervene! Come to the aid of Thine own, they love Thee, they follow Thee, they are suffering because they are persecuted by the wicked, by the makers of all this evil that is rampant.

O Father! Father! Most Holy Father, hear the plea of this Your daughter and all those who are following You in love and truth.

Use us mercy, Father! Anticipate the return of Your Son Jesus to Earth!

Stop the horror that sweeps over this world! Day by day it is worse and worse, cruelty is in force that was not known, many men have now given themselves over to Satan. Father, intervene to deliver Your children!

I am on this Hill together with My Son Jesus, the Holy Spirit envelops us, we await Your cry for justice! We are now ready, Father, ...with Your holy help, all Your children will be ready!

I hold My hands joined to the hands of these faithful ones who hear You and together with Me plead for the anticipated return of Jesus!

Lord, make Your holy will shine on earth, shine with Your divine light.


Source: ➥
