Messages from Diverse Sources


Tuesday, October 22, 2024

This Holy Mass, Which Is Targeted and So Persecuted in the Current Struggle against God and His Church, Will Be Celebrated in Refuges and in the Places Left Untouched, until Your Definitive Return to the Creator Father

Message from Our Lord Jesus Christ to Marie Catherine of the Redemptive Incarnation in Brittany, France on October 21, 2024


Word of Jesus Christ :

"My tender-beloved daughter of Love, Light and Holiness, all blessed by the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

We have just turned another page in the history of Humanity. Tomorrow will no longer be like today, which still hides reality a little and makes us believe in hope.

Yet wars invade and the destitute are abandoned to their fate. We talk about it all the while aware of the limits and inabilities to intervene in the face of the quantity and scale of the disasters. Are these not the signs announced in the Word of God and the messages God entrusted to His prophets to help God's children prepare? Am I not near you with Mary Co-Redemptrix to help you return to the Father?

The abominations in the Church of Rome are progressing, scorning as much the souls of the consecrated, prostrate in obedience, as the ill-informed faithful, at the mercy of every contradictory discourse. The world, progressively conditioned to decadence and decay, is subject to dehumanized leaders who have accepted and willed this race for power and the destruction of Creation, believing that they will thus become masters of what they have spared for themselves. In the painful human condition where the being undergoes transgenderism, transhumanization and robotization, in a consent imposed by oppressive manipulations that destabilize the psyche of the weak, and where fragile beings (children, the elderly and the disabled) are killed or used to satisfy the master of hate and the inhuman fantasies of the deranged.

Every day diminishes the present, clarity in favor of darkness. Each day closes the reprieves. Only the final choice remains. The future can only exist in the Eternal, the eternity offered by God in ever-increasing spiritual evolution.

Is there any other choice? It could then be called resignation from Life and decay, since those who opt for the other choice are aware of their decision in the face of the Divine Mercy offered by Magnanimous God, Infinite Love, Sole Creator of all Lives.

This picture is distress and suffering for all and everyone according to their position. The Times agonize but there is still a space of hope, My children, in this space: pray more, sometimes a word, a sincere intention, is enough to join the one who followed without knowing why.

Do not give in, My children, to the abomination and desolation shamelessly displayed, bearing scandal and sacrilege before you. Avoid these places of demonstrations, so-called feasts.

Keep your perseverance anchored in Faith and Love from which emanates the Divine Light that rebuffs those of Evil and dictates to them their limits and the boundaries of their enclosed domain from the spiral of the abyss where those who persist in this choice get stuck.

Your sincere charity spreads Light, testimony to Divine Mercy, as do your prayers for forgiveness and reparation for outrages to God and among brothers. They remain until the End of Time, they are a work of salvation.

My beloved children, this End Time in the Apocalypse that you are living, is the time of deliverance from all evil, of purification that leads you to the Light in the Body of Christ.

It is therefore, note well, the final stage that brings God's children together in Love and Peace to enter together on the new earth and under the new Heaven for the time of Sanctification.

Now, I said "Note well" and look sincerely to see if you are ready to live loving one another and form the People of God. Be the Body of Christ, His Living and Holy Church that has not departed from the Divine Will, from Alpha to Omega.

You have seen, known and even lived in This Christian and One Church, where all kinds of crises and errors have arisen to supposedly improve, according to the tastes of successive eras. But you have also seen the fundamental uprightness which, alas, I must emphasize, displeased some, who enrolled themselves in opposition to God and humiliated, wounded, martyred their gentle and humble-hearted brothers, consecrated and faithful Servants to their Divine Master.

Have you not seen and recognized in the Gospel all the persecutions, sometimes subtle and others publicly outrageous, suffered by the Lamb of God who, in silence and peace, came to give His Life to save men?

Did you not recognize the persecutions and temptations of the devil, and those of those who followed him in his pride and lust, to obscure and eliminate in people's minds the goodness and perfection of the Lamb of God who was bringing mankind Redemption?

So, in these End Times, the Passion is being lived out in the bosom of the world but, as in the time of Calvary, this drama comes from the well-established rulers who want to appropriate the Heart of the Church and the soul of each of Mine!

Notice where Satan is at in his wiles, too well listened to and followed in his hatred and frustrations, but also in the seduction of his clever lies in the face of human weakness, before a divided audience, one of whom is passive or lukewarm and the other snarling and ambitious, both of whom accept the abomination you are now experiencing. For you, these are revelations, signs of the times, unacceptable, reflecting the disastrous state of today's world, which is losing itself, destroying itself in despair without appealing to Its Creator and Savior.

Oh My children whom I love so much, there is, among you and in you, already the emergence of the new world made up of God's Children who want to live, who can live and who must live. I am with you, with you and in you.

I am your Father Creator, I am your Lord and Savior, I Am your Sanctifier, your Breath of Life. I AM your One and Triune God, He who is, who was and who is to come for ever and ever.

I created Man with Love and for Infinite Love. Created in the likeness of God His Father, I put Goodness and the joy of sharing in his heart. Out of respect for the Child of God. I also put in his heart and mind free will to act according to his intelligence and good will and always I'm listening to Mine to support and help them.

Man has grown and multiplied, but having broken away from his Eternal Father, only a small number of God's children have retained the filial bond, faith, trust, desire and hope of returning to the Father according to His Promise.

Through Christ, reconciliation with the Father was achieved in the Atoning Sacrifice of the Lamb of God. The Sacrifice of Reconciliation is perpetual and celebrated in the daily Mass, at every moment of the day all around the earth.

You therefore, children of God, through this intimate union celebrated in the Eucharist, have communion with the Body and Blood of Christ, divine protection and the pledge of Salvation.

This holy Mass, which is targeted and so persecuted in the current struggle against God and His Church, will be celebrated in refuges and in the places left untouched, until your definitive return to the Creator Father.

See how relentless Satan has been for centuries in trying to destroy Creation, humanity, God's children and especially the Church, God's people and Sacred Temple, the Center of Christendom.

See also how much My consecrated Sons and Daughters, My lay servants, My prophets and messengers are on the front lines, in this enterprise of destruction, the first intended targets for the collapse of the Life-bearing Church. No, My children, this Church, however small, will remain standing and its Protector Saint Michael will lead all the militants, angels and children of God, to Victory and God's Glory.

In the face of all the tribulations announced and others, do not fear, nothing will be asked of you beyond your strength, sustained in your Faith and trust, which you do not know and which you will discover.

Understand that doubt weakens your resistance and confidence. Doubt leads to mistrust and changes your attitudes, such as the one that leads you to believe you can get by on your own. Thus, by isolating yourself, the risk of discouragement is increased.

Be in My Sacred Heart associated with the Immaculate Heart of Mary, extended team of invincible collaboration.

Soon will be the long-awaited Encounter, be ready. With Mary and the Communion of Saints, keep your weapons, known and well explained in Medjugorje. All prayers are good when addressed to the One and Triune God, to Mary Co-Redemptrix, active among you, and to the Communion of Saints.

Jesus Christ"

Marie Catherine of the Redemptive Incarnation, some servant in the Divine Will of the Almighty, One God. "Read on"

October 22, 2024

Source: ➥
