Messages from Diverse Sources


Monday, October 7, 2024

My Children, a Chilling Episode Will Befall the Earth

Message from God The Fathery to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on October 5, 2024


Beloved children, it is the Father who speaks to you, lend your ears to listen to My Word. Always mark yourselves in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Believe My call!

The way on Earth is getting darker every day, many children have become lost, in their human weakness they have allowed themselves to be seduced by Satan.

My children, a chilling episode will befall the earth.

An earthquake is taking place, the tectonic layers are moving with speed, the time of tragedy is coming for this foolish Humanity, far from its Creator.

You are about to witness tragedy, O men, history will be marked by this moment. The ground will open up and swallow everything in it, everything will plummet, despair will press in and men will not know where to take refuge because every place will be struck.

Overwhelming situation for this perverse Humanity, now it will feel the pain on its own skin and understand that only God can stop the evil. Repent, My children!

The volcano of terror will suddenly erupt, death will be everywhere. Convert, O men, convert!!! You do not have much time left.

The sea will rise beyond the tops of the great mountains and suck everything into itself. The water will destroy the crops. The rivers will deviate from their beds. The sun will hurl its flames of fire upon the Earth, the despair of men will grow. Satellites sent into space will fall back upon the Earth. You were warned, O men, but you did not believe; now you will be catapulted into the great tribulation.

The floodgates of heaven are about to open at the passage of the Son of God.

He comes with power, with His royal scepter He will manifest Himself to the world and make Himself known. He comes to take His children back into Himself.

Source: ➥
