Messages from Diverse Sources


Sunday, October 6, 2024

The Archangels Are Already in the World with Their Presence, and They Protect the Chosen Places, Where the Future of Mankind Will Be Announced to You

Message from Most Holy Virgin Mary and the Archangels St. Michael, St. Gabriel and St. Raphael to the Holy Trinity Love Group in Oliveto Citra, Salerno, Italy on October 6, 2024, First Sunday of the Month



My children, I am the Immaculate Conception, I am She who gave birth to the Word, I am the Mother of Jesus and your mother, I have descended with great power together with My Son Jesus and God the Father Almighty, the Holy Trinity is in your midst.

My children, I love you immensely, I am very happy when you pray from the heart, show that you love the Holy Trinity, I am always close to each one of you, My presence reaches everywhere, man puts limits on God the Father Almighty confusing pure souls who believe in the presence of the Holy Trinity who reigns in Heaven and on earth. Everything that happens in the world is the work of man who allows himself to be corrupted by ambition, power, avarice and the desire to dominate everything and everyone, those in power are responsible for the people of God, because in spite of many warnings they ignore the voice that comes from Heaven, procuring skepticism, turning souls away from Christianity, bringing confusion about the truth that My Son Jesus brought into this world, He is true God is true Man.

My children, the man who allows himself to be corrupted by allowing himself to be led by evil, does not fear God the Father Almighty and teaches others to do the same, pray, pray, pray, because every day one judges what God the Father Almighty is working for the salvation of souls, who are all dear to Him, because every soul belongs to God the Father Almighty.

The world does not see, because it does not want to see the cunning of Satan, the Archangels are already in the world with their presence, and they protect the chosen places, where the future of mankind will be announced to you, because many places have been invaded by lies, passing it off as truth. In Oliveto Citra, I will manifest Myself with great power, in the not-too-distant future, I will announce all that the world will have to experience, warning My children of everything.

The Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael protect Oliveto Citra, they protect other places where the plan of God the Father Almighty is still in place. Today is a very special day, the Archangels will also speak for the whole world.

I love you My children, My presence is very strong, I am caressing and listening to many of you, have faith, God the Father Almighty loves His children in the same way, He has no preference for anyone and desires the salvation of all, open your hearts to pure love, that of My Son Jesus who guides you in this world where pure love is not. I bless you My children, I give you a kiss. In the name of Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Shalom! Peace My children.


Brothers, sisters, I am the Archangel Michael, I have descended with great power,

together with the Archangel Gabriel and the Archangel Raphael, together with the Holy Trinity.

Brothers and sisters, fear not, We have formed a powerful barrier around you, where evil cannot undermine you. Brothers and sisters, the invitation that comes from Heaven isthat you must pray, for all that the world is experiencing.

Humanity is deaf to the calls of God the Father Almighty, but very soon humanity will understand that there is no salvation without prayer. Pray for Jerusalem because Israel will be strongly attacked, pray for the world because great tribulations it will have to undergo, so that people may be converted to the love of God the Father Almighty, who wants to save everyone indiscriminately. All those who pray will be protected, do not fear, do not be afraid, because everything that will happen is for the salvation of souls, we will announce to you all that men of power have hidden from you, their end is not far away, have faith in God the Father Almighty and do not be afraid, because very soon many prophecies that Heaven has bestowed on mankind will be confirmed.


Brothers and sisters, it is I the Archangel Gabriel, God the Father Almighty has sent us here to speak to the whole world, so that it may understand the risk it is running, evil wants to hinder everything that the Most Holy Trinity works in the world, We Archangels are by the will of God in every place, where Heaven gives its messages for the salvation of souls. Brothers and sisters, the Third Secret of Fatima is being fulfilled day by day, the sins that are being committed against God's will are many, and evil is taking over with weak souls, all of this was prophesied in the Secret of Fatima.

Do not fear God the Father Almighty will work in every way to purify souls, He will give chastisements in the body, so that the sufferings can make their souls purify. Brothers and sisters, have faith, so much faith, do not be discouraged by temptations, take refuge in prayer and give a Holy testimony every day, you who pray be an example to those who are far from the grace of God.


Brothers, sisters, I am the Archangel Raphael, pray, for the world has long been heading for an irreparable decline, take the Holy Trinity within you that you may heal this world before the Father raises His arm, the world is not ready for the chastisements that will come, evil will be defeated, but suffering will be great, all this will serve as purification.

Many places of apparitions will be protected by We the Archangels, but some will not be if they do not change their ways, there will be stir for some places, but this is the Father's plan, do not fear.

Brothers, sisters, be the weapon that Father can use to heal the world.


Brothers, sisters, pray and ask for mercy from God the Father Almighty, so that the miracles that have been announced may soon take place, so that many may repent and be converted, there is no peace there is no joy there is no happiness in this world without the love of the Holy Trinity. Brothers and sisters, today Our Mission is over, soon, very soon we will return to speak to the world, we give you the Blessing of the Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


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