Messages from Diverse Sources


Monday, September 23, 2024

Soon I Will Gather You in One Place, I Will Call You by Name. My Shelters Are All Ready

Message from God The Fathery to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on September 18, 2024


Soon the Earth will be shaken by a great earthquake!!! Some volcanoes will erupt unpredictably and fearfully, many lands will be submerged.

We are now at the final turning point, everything must be realized.

God must intervene powerfully to recover His children, take them away from this infamous world and bring them back to His divine world where He will give them eternal life in love and joy.

My children, it is time to truly pray:...may the Holy Rosary be in your hands. Share!

People will soon need help, they will need support, and you are those whom the Lord has appointed to bring help and comfort to people who have not understood the importance of these divine messages and have questioned everything, have taken My prophets for fools, have offended them, have turned away from God in preference to the things of the world, have followed the voice of God's enemy: Satan! These children will find themselves in a hellish situation.

With much pain, even today I repeat to you these things already known because they have been announced throughout time, ...repeated unceasingly! This Humanity has been called to conversion continuously!

Convert, My children, convert! Even if at the last moment you ask Me for forgiveness with repentant hearts I will take you on My arms and save you.

My Sacred Heart weeps, it drips blood,...My eyes weep tears of blood for what you are going to suffer, you do not want to understand, you do not want to accept, My children, we are at the end of time, there will be a total upheaval!

Soon I will gather you in one place, I will call you by name. I will be the one to direct you to these places, I will be the one to give you the chance to be saved. God's will is one and one will be forever!My refuges are all ready, at the time I call you will be sheltered in these holy places, those that I will keep sealed in My Holy Name. They will be marked by a huge, bright cross, they will be protected, in them nothing will be lacking, there will be joy and love: grace of God! My children will be safe.

All those who will pass by these places, they will understand, they will get down on their knees and invoke My holy name for help, they will ask Me for forgiveness, they will yearn to join these sheltered children inside these houses, they will yearn to sing hymns of glory to the Creator together with them.

My children, I am with you, fear nothing, advance with the certainty that God will never leave you alone.

I hold your hands and lead you, let me lead you! Have no fear whatsoever in abandoning yourselves to Me. Courage!

God has spoken!!! Amen.

The Most Holy Rosary

Source: ➥
