Messages from Diverse Sources


Monday, September 16, 2024

Come Back to God While There’s Still Time!

Message from Our Lord Jesus Christ to Marie Catherine of the Redemptive Incarnation in Brittany, France on September 8, 2024


Reading: 2 Book of Samuel, 9

Word of Jesus Christ :

"I bless you My sorrowful sweet-beloved daughter of Love, of Light and of Holiness: of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."

You are in God's Hour, My sweet children and you see tribulations progressing.

The earth, according to the Will of the Eternal Father, manifests, in all its elements and geography, the purification you must experience following the accumulated disorders caused by your errors in your opposition to God and your rejection of the Infinitely Good Creator, in all His works.

See also, in your personal life, how much you have abused the generosity of your Divine Father and how much you have disregarded My constant Presence and My Mercy, as much as you neglect the presence of Mary Co-Redemptrix who continues to counsel you and intercede for each of you. In the humanity in which My children are, what proportion of Mine remain faithful, trusting and connected in prayer to My Sacred Heart that loves you divinely?

See how much your society imbued with its pride has succeeded in involving you, in its pseudo-scientific research and its unhealthy, perverse ambitions, and making you accept another master and his evil spells that destroy you. You now see, in blatant and despairing ways, the rejection you have made of your body and, consciously or unconsciously, the abandonment you are preparing to make of your soul, thus depriving it of its eternal Life!

Have you noticed the growing rejection of the family, a healthy cell from Creation and the only one capable of generating the continuity of humanity? What happens to the children who have become targets and objects for the devastators of humanity; these pure, innocent little beings serving the inhuman needs and passions of these dominators subservient to the fallen?

This is a cruel and unbearable awakening for Mine who have not seen and not heard the urgent appeals, who have been silenced and ridiculed to remove their effectiveness. My dear children, I will not continue here with the nomenclature of the program of destruction you are undergoing, which has well and truly run its course, with or without your enlightened collaboration.

Recognize in Mary Immaculate the many interventions, since La Salette, among others, and Her continual appeals to you. Grasp the Hand I'm extending to you. Everything has been said, explained, given ceaselessly by our counsels and graces from Heaven to protect you from this degeneration and above all to protect you from the decay whose meaning you don't really recognize.

Now hear My Call, I persist in this Last Hour to manifest My Infinite Love to you, convert, cease this personal destruction in which you are trapped. Come back to Me who loves you and still wants to save you.

God is Love, Love is Life. Only God is Life, only God saves. Become Love, return and abide in God.

So My children, what are you doing still living hatred that opposes Love? Yes, My children, hatred. Where is the hatred, you say? But it's there, in your daily lives, weaving the nets that trap man in his weaknesses and his habitual routine of life. It's in the pride that wants to make everything its own, and doesn't hesitate to sacrifice and demolish others to satisfy the need for hatred, resentment, revenge, domination and comfort. The result is a host of everyday faults: covetousness, criticism, lies, judgment, backbiting, slander, plunder, theft, insults, rejection by group and family, persecution. All of this is experienced under the surface, sometimes under the guise of benevolent charity. False and loveless charity, an attack on the life of the other and on the life of one's own soul, which no longer offers resistance to evil and still accumulates darkness, which blinds and asphyxiates in the deteriorated living environment.

This picture is dark, My children, but how real!

Come back to God while there's still time! Convert. Love calls for Love, accept Life.

Free yourselves from these defilements. Only God (through His priests) can help you. Regain Faith and Hope. You will rediscover brotherhood and share the Joy of His Mercy. Learn reparation towards God and your brothers, your freedom will be complete.

My little ones whom I call, nobility is in the humility and gentleness we will bear together for a new and perfect world.

I bless you and wait for you,

Jesus Christ"

Marie Catherine of the Redemptive Incarnation, some servant in the Divine Will of the Almighty, One God. "Read on"


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