Messages from Diverse Sources


Sunday, September 15, 2024

You Are About to Meet Face to Face with Your God Love

Message from God The Fathery to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on September 14, 2024


Thus says the Lord:Beloved children, prepare your hearts to receive Me, the foretold times have now come, Iodevo intervene to save My children, allow the possibility of salvation to those who deny Me.

My Belovedcreatures, it is I, your Father in Heaven, who is asking you for conversion, your conversion is urgently needed, O men, do not stand waiting for the destruction of everything, provide now to place yourselves safely in My arms.

The hour has come for the awakening of consciences, it is time to make all things new, God is in a hurry to take His children back into Himself.

War will suddenly break out all over the Earth, it will flare up like a devouring fire! Man in his madness is working for the destruction of this Humanity.

Beloved children, I, your Father, today,still grant you, by My infinite mercy, to repent, I long to have you all in Me, to shelter you where you will never again have to suffer.

I am waiting for your yes, for your return to Me, after which I will close forever the gates of this hell on Earth.

My Beloved creatures, you are about to meet face to face with your God Love, prepare for the meeting, confess your sins.

I offer the grace of reconciliation to all those who with true repentance of heart will declare themselves sinners and humbly cry out for My forgiveness.

The gates will be closed to those who do not repent and still defy their Creator God: man because of his infinite pride will end his days in the great tribulation, which I, God, will allow, so that he may repent and return to Me, understand his errors and recognize Me as his one and only true God!

To all who hear Me and become broken bread, by My infinite mercy they will have eternal life in Me.

The battle is fiery, demons are unleashed to conquer souls.

Pray, fortify yourselves in confession and the Most Holy Eucharist: where sacramental Communion is not possible make it spiritual.

Go ahead, My people, I await you all to Me, convert now, do not delay lest you fall into the deception of the Devil.

I bless you. Jhawè.

Source: ➥
