Messages from Diverse Sources


Monday, September 9, 2024

Faced with This Invasion of Material and Unhealthy Technologies, You Applaud and Accept Them without a Second Thought

Message from Our Lord Jesus Christ to Marie Catherine of the Redemptive Incarnation in Brittany, France on August 25, 2024


Reading: Job 34

Word of Jesus Christ :

"My tender daughter of Love, Light and Holiness I bless you from the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The time is grave and, for you, everything is dangerous. As you see, there's an intrusion into your life that makes you vulnerable. It's an inhuman war aimed at destroying the soul and, on top of that, the body.

The proud man is the first easy victim to seduce. He makes his own the weapon that destroys him. He closes the door to God who, with His graces, protects him. He adopts the lie and propagates it in the world, which also agrees to give faith and advice to the deception that dresses and camouflages itself as pseudo-scientific discourse, unquestioned god, to support with its fraudulent seal all information and declarations that, with acquired authority, captivate man weakened by the slow martyrdom he undergoes.

I, Jesus, never cease to multiply My appeals to save you from all these snares. Everything has been said and done to give you the Light of Truth about what you're going through and give you the means of survival. I offer you all My Mercy to forgive you, to purify you of that which hinders your discernment and your freedom. Few are those who accept the liberation offered.

In the public square, in small-group meetings, man complains about the evolving ills stemming from the decisions of those in power. These indiscriminate discussions remain empty, and the accusations come back at those who dare to bring information that might help to better understand.

Weary of what he's going through, man settles for the sclerotic popular attitude and submits. Even in outrageous situations that wound the soul, almost no defensive reaction is expressed, blindness maintains passivity and the stagnation only deepens.

In this dangerous context for your being, you are nevertheless in agreement with all the new modern means where you perceive science and creativity and are admiring; then, acceptance, of what traps you further, is acquired. Faced with this invasion of material and unhealthy technologies, you applaud and accept them without reflection on the real usefulness and needs of it all, and their potential dangers.

At the same time, the advice constantly broadcast from God and Heaven to help you is summed up in the invitation to be prudent and to live modestly, simply, safely and in shared charity. How many of you are concerned by the love of God and neighbor; by mutual respect and righteousness in all things; by purity of soul in Faith and Hope? In the face of the great unavoidable tribulations that are coming, who among you is committed to them in total trust in God and in the desire to help your brothers and sisters of all ages to be saved?

From here in Heaven, I hear the cries of the destitute poor, the isolated sufferers, the forgotten lost. My children, prayer can help them. My children, do you know it, do you do it.

From here, from above I also hear another misery, among many others, these are the discourses, the daily conversations of My Christian children among themselves. Shame and pain seize Our United Hearts of Mary Immaculate and of Me Jesus. My children whom I love so much, is the divider and accuser of your brothers so well installed in you, among you, against you?

Tell Me My children, what is the need for you to harm your brothers and destroy them? Do you know that lying, backbiting, slander are acts of hatred so devastating for the brother targeted, for fragile society in these difficult times and for God's Plan to reunite in peace His children?

How do you see that a world of peace and Love can arise and erect itself in wickedness, in falsity? This pollution coming out of being is called "darkness", it comes from evil, it engulfs more and more of Mine who choose this way of living, then opposing God's Will which is Love and Charity.

The Word of God present insists on prudence, vigilance in the face of all these dangers, insidious manipulations and perfidious intrusions that infiltrate your lives.

On the other hand, the Word of God always contemporary with the Bible and that carried to you by pastors, prophets, messengers and all the saints, reveals the Only Way to follow: Christ. This is your protection, your Life, your Redemption.

Jesus Christ."

Marie Catherine of the Redemptive Incarnation, some servant in the Divine Will of the Almighty, One God. "Read on"

AUGUST 25, 2024

Source: ➥
