Messages from Diverse Sources


Monday, September 9, 2024


Message from Our Savior Jesus Christ to His Beloved Daughter Linda on Long Island, NY, USA of September 6, 2024


Belovéd Children in My Loving Heart, I hear your prayers and answer them according to My Will. Your prayers are songs to Me and I relish your Love.

Continue your fervent prayers, My Children, and turn always to Me. I am your Lord God and Savior. I do not let evil harm your Souls, and I give Everlasting Life. Believe, My Children, that I give to you good gifts. You are My Treasures and I long for each of you to know and Love Me.

Oh, Children of My Heart, all things are possible through Me. Trust in Me and in My Holy Will for you, and I will do all things. I will move mountains for your faith in Me. I shall turn the course of rivers and give you drink when you thirst.

Trust in Me. Let Me be at the forefront of your Hearts and minds. My Love is unlike the World’s Love. Mine is an Eternal Biggness (huge!). It does not wane but swells and swells for you, My Treasures!

Children, I call to each of you and request that you pray to the Holy Spirit who has given to each of you spiritual gifts. Open your Hearts. Believe that you are precious. You are most Belovéd. Take My Gifts. They are for you, and I have made each of you from Love and with Love and for Love. I do not fail My Children, and so trust in Me.

I am Eternal, Children, and give to you Eternal Life. This World and this life that you live is but a second of time. But such an important second! Now is the time to embrace Me with fealty and Adoration. Your life is My Life, and I want your Souls for Eternal bliss.

Belovéd Children of My Heart, do not rest in your prayers and do not delay. Stay close to Loving Jesus and call out to My Belovéd Mama for guidance. She Loves you as I Love you and counts each of you as Her Own.

Belovéd Children, you have heard My warnings. I have called out to you and given you prophecies. I have provided guidance in the Gospels, and I have said, prepare. My Children, time is so short, and your lives that have been lived so well and in such comfort will change overnight. Children, there are spiritual forces that wreak havoc amongst My Belovéd Children. Black is now white, and white black. Thus, I say, hear My Guidance. Stay true to Me. Guide your brethren to Me, and always trust in Me. Think always of your Souls. Keep your Souls safe for Me. This World may batter the body, but your Souls are to be protected. Love Me and trust in Me thus. I am the Way, the Truth, and the Light. Believe in Me, Love Me, and reconcile yourselves to Me, and your Souls shall be saved.

Children, none of you know the Hearts of others as I do. Do not judge or belittle your brothers, for I Love them too. You are My Beauteous and Belovéd Creatures, and I am so very panged when one of you hurts.

Children, know My Truth. Know what I accept and do not accept. Do not hurt Me by denying Me your Love.

Children, pray. Soon, the World will become tumultuous. Nations will change, and peoples will war, and there will perforce be destruction, all because Man has denied Me his Love. Oh, Children, I weep!

Pray, My Children. I will do all things by your prayers. Trust in Me and hold tightly to My Loving Words when you are faced with trauma or grief. If you suffer, know that I have suffered too.

Belovéd Children, you are My Treasures and My joy. Come to Me and let the Me shelter and Love you like a Divine and doting Parent.

Peace, My Children. I give to you My Peace

Source: ➥
