Messages from Diverse Sources


Friday, September 6, 2024

Importance of Confession when Receiving Holy Communion

Message from Our Lord Jesus to Valentina Papagna in Sydney, Australia on August 25, 2024


During the Holy Mass today, at the beginning of the Mass, while the Priest was incensing around the Altar, our Lord Jesus appeared and said, “Today is a very High Mass, and I want you to offer Me everyone you can think of—especially this congregation at this Church, all the priests and bishops so that I can sanctify this Church and protect it from evil. Offer Me the Holy Souls in Purgatory, the dying, especially those in the war zones that are suffering so much, the prisoners, the sick, the abandoned that nobody cares for them, the oppressed. There is so much evil going on in the world, and many people die unrepentant. Offer them to Me during the Holy Mass so that I can be merciful to all these people.”

Later, during the distribution of the Holy Eucharist, our Lord said, "Valentina, My child, again, I will lament to you how I Am offended during the distribution of Holy Communion. They all come to receive Me, not only in the hand, but they come unrepentant, over and over, over and over, I come into the darkness of these souls, and I cannot clean them unless they repent of their sins and confess."

As the priest went to wash his hands after distributing Holy Communion, our Lord said, “No matter how much the priest washes his hands after distributing Holy Communion, the sin remains with him because he does not speak the truth to people and explain to them that they must go to Confession and repent before they come to My Sacred Table to receive Me.”

Source: ➥
