Messages from Diverse Sources


Friday, September 6, 2024

Earth Will Undergo a Transformation, Its Purification Is Underway

Message from Our Lord Jesus and God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on August 30, 2024


Beloved daughter, here I am your Lord Jesus Christ, the One who loves you so much and wants to give you of Himself.

Serve me always in true love.

Write, My blessed daughter, spread My saying to the world.

Beloved children, believe firmly in the holy Gospel, do not stray from Christian values, put Truth in you, be holy, My children.

The great storm is coming, the Earth will undergo a transformation, its purification is taking place.

Be ready, with Rosary in handand confess! Douse your heads with ashes, purify yourselves O men, the time of sorrows begins now.

Cling to Me, My children, come to Me, do not be afraid to face the trials to come: if you are with Me you will be put in a position to overcome every difficulty.

The Blessed Virgin, My Mother and yours, will shortly enter your homes to announce the final challenge against Satan and prepare you for battle.

Jesus, in His infinite Love, declares that: if men will be converted, I will appease the fury of nature.

The cursed serpent's attacks are pressing in on men, they do not realize they are being maneuvered, they go oblivious to what is happening, they continue on the dark path.

Flowers of My Garden, oh you who follow Me with immense love, behold, for you I open a new world, I open wide to you the Gate of My Garden, where you will enter to enjoy the fragrance of a thousand flowers. Beloved Ones, you, My most beautiful roses, My lilies,will perfume with immense love and expand yourfragrance of love to Me.

Beloved children, this is the time of the end of an ancient history, the curtain of this theater is falling, soon everything will be new and will smell of infinite love and immense jubilation.

The Key of Divine Love is I, are My Words to you, code of salvation for men! Feed on My Words, be satiated with Me, My children, do not be afraid to feed on Me, your Creator God.

My gift of salvation is for all, hasten, access, satiate yourselves with Me, beloved children, return to Me, Heaven is waiting to open the Wedding Banquet to make a great feast.

Surrender yourselves to My arms, accept Me in your heart, God loves you infinitely, you are His children, God's chosen ones, you belong to Him and to Him you must return.The beauty is in total surrender to your God.

The time has come to enjoy what God has prepared for His children: not delay in conversion, everything is waiting for you,immense jubilation and infinite love await you.

Convert yourselves! Return to Me, I will open My Divine Heart and embrace you in Me, I will unite you with Me to be divine in Me.

I bless you.

God the Father, the Almighty Yahweh.

Source: ➥
