Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, April 18, 2023
“Oh Jesus of Divine Mercy, hear my pleadings to You, for I am here to do Your will!”
Message from Jesus of Divine Mercy to Ned Dougherty in New York, USA on April 16, 2023

April 16, 2023 – Jesus of Divine Mercy Sunday @ 3 pm
St Rosalie’s Parish, Eucharistic Adoration Chapel, Hampton Bays, New York
Message from Jesus of Divine Mercy to Ned Dougherty:
I have been asked to make a “Restatement of the Message from Jesus of Divine Mercy from August 4, 2019”.
Aug 4, 2019 – Jesus of Divine Mercy @ 3 pm
St Rosalie’s Parish Campus, Hampton Bays, New York
Jesus of Divine Mercy
My son,
I come to you today for the first time in several years as Jesus of Divine Mercy, and I do so at this very Sacred Hour to remind you – as well as all the followers of Divine Mercy – that this is the most Sacred Hour in the day; the hour that I passed from My earthly life with you and returned to the arms of My Father only to return to you now as the Son and Redeemer as well as your Jesus of Divine Mercy, for it is during this very hour in the day that I particularly manifest to all of God’s children the Love and Mercy of the Father in Heaven to all of you here on Earth.
I ask you to meditate on My appearance as Jesus of Divine Mercy and to contemplate the Rays of Mercy and Love that I pour forth from My Loving Heart for all of you, My children, for the Red Rays pour forth the Sacrificial Love of the Father’s Son and the Rays of the Living Waters pour forth the nourishment that is availed to you by My sacrifice; the nourishing and Living Waters of the Holy Spirit that are conveyed to humanity ever more powerfully now that you are in the depths of the end times.
My son, remember that I first inspired your mission by providing the image to others that resulted in the cover of your book, showing the flowing rays of Love and Mercy within your very own book, unbeknownst even to you at first. So intricate is the plan for the salvation of mankind by the Father through His Son that every last detail has been planned to arrive at the fulfillment of Scripture as God has planned it, so that mankind can arise to the Great Transformation that will culminate during these End Times and reveal to all of you a New Heaven and a New Earth. Thanks be to your God and Creator.
It is through My mission as Your Redeemer of Divine Mercy that I call upon all of you, My brothers and sisters, to join Me and the Father in Heaven and become Powerful Prayer Warriors during these End Times to defeat the enemy of all that is good.
I established Divine Mercy through My blessed and saintly daughter who revealed to humanity the mission of mercy for all of you to follow. Remember that I spoke to you a decade ago and said to pray to Me as follows:
“Oh Jesus of Divine Mercy, hear my pleadings to You, for I am here to do Your will!”
I want this simple prayer to go forward from you and throughout the world to those who follow Me and My Divine Mercy for the salvation of souls.
Through this simple pleading and prayer – “Oh Jesus of Divine Mercy, hear my pleadings to You, for I am here to do Your will!” – I will answer all of you, My sons and daughters, when you come to Me in prayer and ask what it is that I am asking of each and every one of you to do in these End Times to defeat all of the evil in the world and to usher in the New Heaven and a New Earth.
Stop and think, and meditate on the events that have been taking place in your world in these times – the chaos and confusion; the divisions within My Church; the anger and hatred that is being fueled by My eternal enemy. All of these tragic events are happening because the evil one’s days are short, and he is attacking you and My Church now more than he has ever done before.
I am speaking to you today because it is the Lord’s Sabbath, and right now it is the Sacred Hour of Divine Mercy on this Sunday, and I want to remind all of you of My promises through your blessed and saintly sister concerning My Divine Mercy for all of you.
Because of the urgency of these end times, I am offering My Divine Mercy to all of My sons and daughters to follow My instructions to become Powerful Prayer Warriors of the End Times and to assure that you will be joining your brothers and sisters when the chaff is separated from the wheat in the Great Harvest of the End Times.
Therefore, I am asking of you individually to dedicate your souls to Me as Jesus of Divine Mercy by a sincere and solemn confession with one of My faithful priests; followed by attendance at the next Sunday Mass and reception of the Holy Eucharist within 24 hours of your confession and penance, and to repeat this exercise annually on Divine Mercy Sunday.
I ask that you devote yourself to the Novena of Divine Mercy and Eucharistic Adoration, to frequent Confession, and reverent reception of the Holy Eucharist. If you do what I ask of you, you will be enrolled spiritually in My army of Powerful Prayer Warriors to see all of humanity through the End Times.
Furthermore, if you do what I ask of you, you will be rewarded with your place in the Eternal Paradise that has been promised by the Father in Heaven.
I further ask of you when you pray these words to Me as Jesus of Divine Mercy – “Oh Jesus of Divine Mercy, hear my pleadings to You, for I am here to do Your will!” – that you discern the good deeds that I will be expecting of you. It is also through your good deeds and your good works that many miracles will happen in these End Times that will protect you and your Loved Ones from the attacks by My eternal enemy.
Go forth My brothers and sisters in prayer and meditation. Reach out to Me your Redeemer personally. Do what it is that I ask of you, and I will respond to your call, for I am Your Redeemer, your Jesus of Divine Mercy.
If you heed My words, we will share paradise in the Eternal Realms with the Father in Heaven, your Heavenly Mother, all of the Angels and Saints, and your brothers and sisters in Christ. All of this, I promise you.
Finally, I ask you to repeat this powerful prayer after every decade of the Rosary and every decade of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy:
“Oh Jesus of Divine Mercy, hear my pleadings to You, for I am here to do Your will!”
– Message from Jesus of Divine Mercy
Message ended 3:33 pm
“Oh Jesus of Divine Mercy, hear my pleadings to You, for I am here to do Your will!”
Jesus first spoke these words to Ned Dougherty by interior locution at St. Michael the Archangel’s Hermitage at Holy Hill, Little Sisters of St. Francis Retreat, Danville, New Hampshire, USA on May 1, 2009 at 9:15am.
“My son, remember that I first inspired your mission by providing the image to others that resulted in the cover of your book, showing the flowing rays of Love and Mercy within your very own book, unbeknownst even to you at first. “
– Jesus of Divine Mercy (May 1, 2009)
Source: ➥